A Halloween shout out to all the "Incredible women" I know and love.
I'm with you all the way.
PS This from an incredible day out and about a few years back. Only the sky seemed like the limit and so many things possible.
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Your vote will affect the lives of hundreds of millions of people both here and abroad.
Large numbers of people, who were senior members of his administration, have now said Trump was (and still is) a fascist.
Please don't let that be our fate here in US.
When I worked in the national defense arena, if I had done half of what he has federal changes against him, I would have been imprisoned for most of the rest of my life. (PS I still recognize he has a right to a trial, but the evident in just the indictments against him is quite strong and other than trying to delay his trials, he has presented little evident in his defense.)
This to makes him unqualified to be President again.
Dan Coates, Trump's former DNI, suspects that Putin maybe be "blackmailing" Trump. Even just that suspicion would be enough to deny an other American access or control of any classified information and that accusation wouldn't have to come from his own hand picked DNI.
Again, he should never be close to any national security issues again.
And the list goes on.
Please be responsible American citizens and vote in the best interests of our country, and not the interests of a fascist or want-to-be dictator. Thank you.
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I guess I'll have to come back again. : )
Actually, I usually try to stop by here, when I'm in town. One of my friends works here, part time and its always a blast to stop by and see her. She wasn't working that day, but when I at the checkout, the gal there said,"I think we've met before. Your one of Christy's friends, right?" To which I said, "Yes, I remember chatting with you before."
We had met a year or so ago, when I had stopped by to see my friend, Christy. She was a retired teacher, and I too have taught over the years and will bring it up, if asked about "what I did". Being a female teacher is a stereo-typical female profession, and its easier to chat about than some of the other stuff I've gotten up to in life, but in this case I'm pretty sure she was saying 'one of Christy's TG friends'. But that was fine, I'm OK if folks recognize my TG-ness, even if I hope that slips by. Becky 3.0 is comfortable with her limitations, even if she is still hopeful.
I had a couple of other things to do, or I might have stayed and chatted more as I love to just chat with other women, like women do.
As it was I had a busy day, my sweetie and I stopped by and ordered some new glasses for Becky (my current ones are getting rather old.) I then headed down to the Bay Area, stopped here and did some other shopping as well, before meeting up with a group of my Bay Area friends for dinner at a local DVG social.
My haul for the day, 2 pairs of glasses, one cup of coffee, this blouse and two other dresses, a full tank of gas and dinner and drinks with friends. Not bad for a simple day out and about.
You all be well and "see" you again soon.
Hugs, Becky
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I'm still a little out of my sweet spot of a few years back, but I'm getting back into my comfort zone at least.
My "sweet spot" is where I'd love to be again, but my "comfort zone" is still a nice place to be.
My "comfort zone" isn't doing my deep dives of several years back, but its feeling comfortable "coming and going" in most of the simple things I might be up to while out and about on a given day.
I ran a number of simple errands and did a little clothes shopping.
I really enjoy the casual and sometimes accidental interactions that come along with just being "out there and doing it".
A few moments after I snapped this picture, a woman about my age, out shopping with her husband, accidentally interrupted me... as she opened my changing room door, as it was the first one she came across.
We shared that short exchange women do when they accidental step into to the wrong changing room. We both had a little shock and surprise at first, followed by her quick apology. I'm sure she only noticed a fellow woman changing , as we had both been out browsing the dress racks a few minutes earlier.
I finished changing a few minutes before she did and walked by her husband waiting outside the women's dressing room as I left. I wondered if he had heard our little "woman to woman" exchange or if it might be a quick 'funny thing happened' comment by her later. It wasn't a big thing (and has happened more that a few times before), but I enjoyed sharing the somewhat intimate "woman to woman" moment with her.
The other thing I enjoy about this picture and my day, is that my hair was about as "femme" as it gets. I'm not cutting the figure I did a few years back, but my natural hair, goes a long way. As they say, "Play to your strengths".
Later, I connected with some friends for drinks and dinner. It is mostly a new group to me, but I've known a few of the gals for a number of years now. This group only meets once a month, but I'm always looking for an excuse to get out more often. : )
I'm not sure when my next outing will be, but I will be getting out next month for our "Sparkle Gala" here.
So until next time...Remember to be awesome and enjoy yourselves.
Hugs, Becky
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I've gotten out and about a few times over the last month or so, but my outings were not directed towards getting pictures, so they were few. or non-existent.
This was from a short stop in a charity shop where a friend works, she wasn't in, but I usually try to at least stop by, when I'm in town.
It was a nice outing, a few shopping stops during the day and later dinner with friends.
I had hoped for a simple solo outing today, but other things just got in the way.
Oh, well, next week maybe.
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