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Lila Brooks / 18 items

N 20 B 1.8K C 5 E Mar 20, 2024 F Sep 20, 2024
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Tags:   Analog Vintage analogue boat film found film found photo found photograph vernacular vernacular photography fav10 Watsy

N 42 B 2.8K C 0 E Oct 29, 2016 F Jul 19, 2024
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Tags:   America Arch Gateway Arch Missouri St. Louis St. Louis Arch USA United States United States of America fav10 fav25

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Tags:   America Barry McGee Bay Area California East Bay Northern California OMCA Oakland Oakland Museum of California SF Bay Area USA United States United States of America West Coast museum norcal fav10 fav25

N 13 B 14.2K C 10 E Nov 12, 2022 F Nov 12, 2022
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I'm heartened that Democracy has a had good and big week, this last week.

We held a big mid term election here in the US this last week and the turn out was quite large and the level of violence was low to non-existent.

Something I would have always hope (and use to expect) for my country, but something that was not a sure thing going into the election.

Did everything go the way I had hoped? No, but I was basically quite happy with the results. A large turn out, basically peaceful and for the most part the most insane crazy candidates were voted down. Maybe not everywhere but in many, many places.

The exact make up of our Senate, Congress and many state houses are still not exactly clear, but some sense of sanity seems to have prevailed, in most cases.

It wasn't a wave either way, but it did seem to say "STOP" to the utter insanity that seems to have been on the rise over the last few years here.

Elsewhere, Democracy seems to be clawing its way back in Ukraine, where the Ukrainians have recaptured the large Kherson region in the south of the country. The Russian's blowing up the only 3 bridges across the large Dnieper River as they fled.

Putin had "annexed" this area only a few weeks back, but was forced to flee after their situation there became unsustainable. This after desperate attempts to reinforce them with new untrained replacements in the last few weeks.

Blowing up the bridge was an indication the Russian were worried about mounting a defense at the river and blew them up so they could keep the Ukrainians from advancing even farther as they worked to reestablish a new defensive line just north of Crimea.

Usually rivers are considered ideal defensive lines, but the Russians didn't expect to be able to hold there, so they have fallen back even further, to a narrower defensive line, because they hope they can hold the shorter line there.

With the coming winter, both sides are likely going to try to regroup and rest, as fighting during a Russian Winter can be quite tough., just ask Napoleon and Hitler, who both had huge armies wiped out by General Winter there.

This new position should mean the Ukrainians can take a bit of a much needed rest too. Not to let down their guard completely, but getting a bit of time to R&R, as they have been hard at this for nine long months now.

Putin is likely to turn to mainly missiles and Iranian drones, for a while, just to try to make the hard winter tough on the Ukrainian civilians, by cutting power, heat and water in many areas. But they don't have endless supplies of them anymore either.

So a good week for those who believe in Democracy.

As for me, I got to attend a nice Holiday Party again and looking forward to a new and better year going forward.

You all be well and I hope we all get to enjoy the coming Holiday Season.

N 2 B 14.5K C 3 E Oct 5, 2006 F Oct 22, 2006
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For my collection of Frank Chu shots you can click through here. Frank loves having his photo taken.

Tags:   Frank Chu San Francisco protest war protest 12 Galaxies California city 21st century personalities 12th mentality colgrove galaxies ettsbrowrenicalled epistles cbs cotsgrogrenigul coverage slitrosenikal impartiality rements perserverance people holding signs cotsgrogerenigul remnants perseverance some kind demonstration United States of America USA United States
