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User / AlaskaFreezeFrame
Gary Lackie / 1,829 items

N 55 B 524 C 6 E Sep 20, 2024 F Sep 21, 2024
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I took this yesterday morning.
He is a very beautiful fox. But, still easily spooked.
He had just been in a territory dispute with his mother.
She had him about three years ago.
This area was always the Little Females territory till he forced her out last fall.
She moved about a half mile away and then disappeared for five months.
But, now she is back and has been fighting with him to regain her old territory.
Note, that he doesn't have a white tip on his tail.
His fathers tail is the same way.
Anyway, this morning was good. Dry and sunny!!!! :-)
I saw, five fox and four moose.
No, bulls. Two cows with this years calves.
Please view large.
Camera Settings: f/6.3 - 1/80 - 363mm - ISO 2500

Tags:   Fox Red Fox Cute Nature Wildlife Outdoors Canon Telephoto Alaska AlaskaFreezeFrame Animals Mammals Carnivore Predator Zorro Sly Canon Mirrorless Canon R5 Closeup Portrait 100-500mm Male Beautiful Unusual Gorgeous Posing Mirrorless Early Morning Overcast Male Red Fox Trusting Young Red Fox Resting September Cold Summer Handhold Shot

N 43 B 497 C 8 E Sep 19, 2024 F Sep 21, 2024
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I am so happy she is back and she remembers and trusts me.
I took this several days ago.
She looks pretty rough as she is still shedding.
She should be looking much better by mid October, going by previous shots from other years.
For some reason she always sheds later then the males.
She looks about the same in all my previous shots of her from years past at this time year.
She is still spending a lot of time about a half mile from this area, but, she has started coming back to her old area and trying to reclaim it.
Her "male pup" from 3 years ago had forced her out last fall.
I have seen her and the "pup" get into to some pretty heated arguments in the last few days, when she shows up.
I was able to catch some shots this morning of the two of them fighting.
Please view large.
Camera Settings: f/6.3 - 1/400 - 176mm - ISO 2500

Tags:   Fox Red Fox Cute Nature Wildlife Outdoors Canon Telephoto Alaska AlaskaFreezeFrame Animals Mammals Carnivore Predator Zorro Sly Canon Mirrorless Canon R5 Closeup Portrait 100-500mm Female Beautiful Unusual Gorgeous Posing Mirrorless Early Morning Overcast Female Red Fox Alders Cold Woods September Hunting

N 82 B 825 C 21 E Apr 11, 2024 F Sep 18, 2024
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I took this shot on April 11, 2024.
That was the last time I saw her, until yesterday morning.
Jan and myself went out to look for the fox and moose.
It was 38 degrees out and Jan decided to go back to the car and wait.
Soon after she left, I saw this fox heading my way.
So, I shot some ID shots trying to figure out who it was.
It looked like Big Red, but, it was still shedding pretty bad and he is pretty much all shed out.
It got to about 75 feet from me before turning and heading into the tall grass and brush.
But, that was close enough to get some real good ID shots.
That was when I knew it wasn't Big Red.
After getting home, I checked the shots with some of the many I have on the computer and it was definitely the Little Female.
Last spring, she had moved to a different den about a half mile away.
The melting snow soon flooded that den and she left it.
The posted shot is the last day she was there.
I had hoped she had moved across the river.
After, seeing her again yesterday, I think she might have moved over there and had some pups.
Jan and myself both heard fox pups "yapping" yesterday.
It was coming from across the river and also from way back in the woods on our side. Like they were talking to each other or maybe calling for mom.
I am hoping she will continue to show up.
To put it mildly, I was really bummed out went she disappeared and had quit going out looking for her or any of the fox.
Then about 14 days ago I decided to start visiting that area again.
Here is a link to a shot I took of her 5 years ago on (September 8, 2019) and that is about how she looked yesterday morning.
Please view large.
Camera Settings: f/7.1 - 1/200 - 500mm - ISO 1250

Tags:   Fox Red Fox Cute Nature Wildlife Outdoors Canon Telephoto Alaska AlaskaFreezeFrame Animals Mammals Carnivore Predator Zorro Sly Canon Mirrorless Canon R5 Closeup Portrait 100-500mm Female Beautiful Unusual Gorgeous Posing Mirrorless Early Morning Overcast Female Red Fox Alders Cold Woods April Snow Hunting Anchorage Spring Fall Water

N 46 B 740 C 15 E Sep 15, 2024 F Sep 15, 2024
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Jan & Myself went out early this morning looking for some fox.
We saw two.
But, before we saw them, I saw this Bull Moose and it had someones backpack pack frame hanging off its antlers.
I wonder, if someone was wearing it, when it all went down! ??? ;-)
It was still very dark out and also very windy, with rain showers.
So, dark, the camera didn't want to focus.
So, I ended up waiting for sunrise and some shootable light and got this shot.
By then, the wind had died down and the rain had quit.
We had one other cow moose cross the road right as we drove by.
Please view large.
Camera Settings: f/5.6 - 1/15 - 270mm - ISO 4000

Tags:   Moose Bull Moose Canon Alaska AlaskaFreezeFrame Anchorage Nature Outdoors Wildlife 100-500mm Mammals Herbivore Animals Summer Fall Plants Dangerous Telephoto Trees Portrait Closeup Brush Canon Mirrorless Posing Magnificent Majestic Beautiful Moving Alert Rainy Wet Rut Backpack Feeding Handhold Shot

N 80 B 679 C 13 E Sep 9, 2024 F Sep 14, 2024
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Okay, I know another wet fox.
But, that is what I am getting a lot of lately.
Hopely, we will get some nice dry sunny days soon and I can post a nice beautiful fluffy dry fox. :-)
He looks so different after he sheds his winter coat.
If you look close at his eyes, you can see that the pupils are dilated. It was a very dark overcast day.
This is a fox I call "Big Red" he has been around for quite awhile now. At least six to seven years.
The young fox in the previous post, doesn't have a white tip on the end of his tail. Little Red (his father) also doesn't have the white tip on his tail.
Please view large.
Camera Settings: f/5.6 - 1/60 - 300mm - ISO 2500

Tags:   Fox Red Fox Cute Nature Wildlife Outdoors Canon Telephoto Alaska AlaskaFreezeFrame Animals Mammals Carnivore Predator Zorro Sly Canon Mirrorless Canon R5 Closeup Portrait 100-500mm Male Beautiful Unusual Gorgeous Posing Mirrorless Early Morning Overcast Young Red Fox Alders Cold Resting Woods Trees Big Red Wet Rainy
