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Craig Tetlow / 3 items

N 0 B 2.2K C 2 E Aug 30, 2023 F Aug 30, 2023
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Greenbrier International Inc. I BELIEVE is an American or Canadian based importer of cheap toys which can usually be found in discount stores on that continent. Whether they actual produce any of these toys themselves is dabatable, I do know some Suntoys manufactured diecasts can often be found with the Greenbrier name on the packaging so its probably safe to assume this crude model wasn't made specifically for them. It does however have the Greenbrier name on the packaging and printed on the baseplate which is why i've identified them as such for cataloguing purposes.
Its a typical low end unlicensed casting which is probably more 1/55 in scale so rather chunky and is I believe meant to represent an Aston Martin One-77, a car so beloved of the Chinese toy industry. Crude of course but does have painted lights front and rear and those superior looking alloy effect wheels which even have soft rubber tyres too.
Found recently in the famous Bridlington branch of Goodwins.
Mint and boxed.

Tags:   greenbrier international aston martin one-77 diecast

N 0 B 686 C 0 E Aug 30, 2023 F Aug 30, 2023
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I haven't a clue who actually made this cheapo Ferrari 458 based diecast but it does have the name of the importer Greenbrier International on both packaging and baseplate which is good enough for me at this stage.
It does possess a metal body and an interior but its the wheels which actually impress far more than the model itself! Very attractive looking alloy effect with soft plastic tyres which even have detailed tread patterns on them!
Found recently at Goodwins in Bridlington.
Mint and boxed.

Tags:   greenbrier international ferrari 458 diecast

N 0 B 708 C 0 E Aug 30, 2023 F Aug 30, 2023
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The Bridlington based Goodwins discount store is actually housed in the old Woolworths building and keeps the spirit alive by offering all manner of household goods very cheaply. Their diecast aisle was a heady mix of older batches of Matchbox Moving Parts and Retro Series, Hot Wheels basic Mainlines of surprisingly new vintage, Feisu, HTI and Zuru generics as well as some Jin Dei Le Yatming copies. Amongst all that I did find a few rather chunky looking diecasts branded and imported by Greenbrier International who I believe don't actually trade in the UK so these have probably come here by alternate methods!
Cheap, crude and dirty but not without their own strange charm and of course based on a real vehicle, in this instance a Lamborghini Aventador. Some external painted detailing and of course those rather premium looking wheels which wouldn't look out of place on a diecast costing considerably more!
Mint and boxed.

Tags:   greenbrier international lamborghini aventador diecast
