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User / afmolinam
Andres Molina / 103 items

N 2 B 99 C 1 E Sep 19, 2024 F Sep 19, 2024
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This composite HDR image was taken at 9:47PM local time on Bogotá - Colombia the main moon HDR was taken with a 2000mm Celestron Nexstar 8SE with the Canon 7D Mark II (two image mosaic) and exposures from1/4s to 1/125s ISO 160. Background at 600mm with the same camera and a Tamron 150-600 G2 lens, exposure 1s, ISO 160 f/6.3, all images combined with Photoshop CC 2024. HDR using the smart object and median image stack.

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This sequence taken on the latest Solar Eclipse near the town of Torreón México, showcases the two contacts C2 and C3 with the baily's beads and the maximum of the solar eclipse, the Moon at the center is a composition taken from another time, some local clouds made difficult the catch the earthshine

Secuence taken with the Canon R8 + Tamron 150-600 G2 Lens, ISO 160

All the sequence was automated by SETnC for Canon by Robert Nufer

Process with Adobe Photoshop CC 2024

N 7 B 800 C 1 E Apr 14, 2024 F Apr 13, 2024
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N 16 B 951 C 1 E Jan 13, 2024 F Jan 15, 2024
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At 3200 meters above sea level in Tota, Boyacá, Colombia, I captured this amazing southern object: the Carina Nebula. Visible with the naked eye in dark skies, it reveals powerful stellar winds caused by giant and young stars—a truly remarkable cradle of star formation.

WilliamOptics GT70
Canon 7D Mark II
Iexos 100 tracker

238x30s ISO 1600, calibrated with Bias and Flats

Process Pixinsight 1.8.9-2, and Photoshop CC 2024
