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User / bartholmy
Martin Bartholmy / 5,745 items

N 23 B 191 C 1 E Sep 1, 2024 F Sep 19, 2024
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Tags:   Washington DC District of Columbia Georgetown Kreuzung intersection Zebrastreifen crosswalk pedestrian crossing Baum Bäume tree Busch shrub Mauer wall Backstein Ziegel brick Haus Wohnhaus house residence Schild sign Stoppschild stop sign Rückseite reverse Auto car Hydrant Gehweg Trottoir sidewalk pavement drain Gully manhole cover Gullydeckel Kanaldeckel

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Tags:   Washington DC Diustrict of Columbia Dupont Circle Scott Circle Baum Bäume tree stump Stumpf Kreisverkehr traffic circle roundabout Denkmal Statue monument memorial Daniel Webster Verkehrsinsel traffic island Mülltonne bin trash can dead tree abgestorben Sockel plinth

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Tags:   Washington DC District of Columbia Adams Morgan Roboter robot Tramsformer Kampfmaschine fighting machine aufblasbar inflatable Kreisverkehr Einfahrt traffic circle roundabout driveway Hochhaus highrise Hotel Hilton Blumen Beet flower bed Baum tree Warnkegel Hütchen traffic cones Straßenlaternen street lamps street lights Vordach canopy Architektur architecture William B. Tabler

N 34 B 626 C 2 E Jul 20, 2024 F Sep 17, 2024
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Tags:   Washington DC District of Columbia West End Poller bollard Eckensteher corner boy Einfahrt driveway Eckenschutz corner guard Radabweiser Gehweg Trottoir sidewalk pavement shop store vacant abandoned Laden Geschäft Leerstand Schaufenster shop window store window Kanaldeckel Gullydeckel manhole cover Regen rain nass wet Backstein Ziegel brick Vordach canopy Tür door gelb yellow

N 51 B 1.3K C 6 E Aug 31, 2024 F Sep 17, 2024
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Tags:   Washington DC District of Columbia Adams Morgan Blick nach unten straight down on the ground am Boden Gehweg Trottoir sidewalk pavement Mauer wall Abfluss drain Teer tar blob Kleks minimal minimalism Minimalismus minimalistisch abstrakt abstract
