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User / BioKnowlogy / Sets / كتاب عجائب المخلوقات وغرائب الموجودات
Johnny El-Rady / 45 items

N 1 B 426 C 0 E Jun 28, 2022 F Jun 28, 2022
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The illuminated headpiece opening a copy of ‘Ajā’ib al-makhlūqāt wa-gharā’ib al-mawjūdāt (Marvels of Things Created and Miraculous Aspects of Things Existing) by al-Qazwīnī (d. 1283). Neither the copyist nor illustrator is named, and the copy is undated. The nature of paper, script, ink, illumination, and illustrations suggest that it was produced in provincial Mughal India, possibly the Punjab, in the 17th century.

Source: www.nlm.nih.gov/hmd/arabic/natural_hist4.html

Tags:   history vintage animals plants flora fauna art science Arabic

N 1 B 629 C 0 E Oct 22, 2002 F Jun 28, 2022
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Six constellations of the northern skies: Corona Borealis (al-fakkah, in Arabic), Cygnus (al-dajajah) shown here as a crested bird, and Lyra depicted as a green parrot, with Cassiopeia seated on a throne in the middle, and Perseus (bottom right) and Boátes (bottom left).

From a copy of ‘Ajā’ib al-makhlūqāt wa-gharā’ib al-mawjūdāt (Marvels of Things Created and Miraculous Aspects of Things Existing) by al-Qazwīnī (d. 1283/682). Neither the copyist nor illustrator is named, and the copy is undated. The nature of paper, script, ink, illumination, and illustrations suggest that it was produced in provincial Mughal India, possibly the Punjab, in the 17th century.

Source: www.nlm.nih.gov/hmd/arabic/natural_hist4.html

Tags:   history vintage animals plants flora fauna art science Arabic bioknowlogy

N 2 B 743 C 0 E Jun 28, 2022 F Jun 28, 2022
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Five zodiacal constellations: Cancer, Leo, Libra, Virgo (a man sitting cross-legged with a sheaf of wheat in his right hand), and Scorpio.

From a copy of ‘Ajā’ib al-makhlūqāt wa-gharā’ib al-mawjūdāt (Marvels of Things Created and Miraculous Aspects of Things Existing) by al-Qazwīnī (d. 1283/682). Neither the copyist nor illustrator is named, and the copy is undated. The nature of paper, script, ink, illumination, and illustrations suggest that it was produced in provincial Mughal India, possibly the Punjab, in the 17th century.

Source: www.nlm.nih.gov/hmd/arabic/natural_hist4.html

Tags:   history vintage animals plants flora fauna art science Arabic bioknowlogy

N 2 B 752 C 0 E Jun 28, 2022 F Jun 28, 2022
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Eight constellations (from the top): Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius (a large figure drawing water from a well), Pisces, Cetus (a harpy with a peacock's tail), Orion (a standing turbaned male with sword and shepherd's staff), and the constellation Eridanus (the River).

From a copy of ‘Ajā’ib al-makhlūqāt wa-gharā’ib al-mawjūdāt (Marvels of Things Created and Miraculous Aspects of Things Existing) by al-Qazwīnī (d. 1283/682). Neither the copyist nor illustrator is named, and the copy is undated. The nature of paper, script, ink, illumination, and illustrations suggest that it was produced in provincial Mughal India, possibly the Punjab, in the 17th century.

Source: www.nlm.nih.gov/hmd/arabic/natural_hist4.html

Tags:   history vintage animals plants flora fauna art science Arabic bioknowlogy

N 2 B 865 C 0 E Jun 28, 2022 F Jun 28, 2022
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Five southern constellations (from the top): Hydra, Corvus, Centaurus with Lepus (usually a hare, but here a yellow long-tailed cat), and, at the bottom, Lupus (al-sab‘, a wild beast) shown as a pink tiger.

From a copy of ‘Ajā’ib al-makhlūqāt wa-gharā’ib al-mawjūdāt (Marvels of Things Created and Miraculous Aspects of Things Existing) by al-Qazwīnī (d. 1283/682). Neither the copyist nor illustrator is named, and the copy is undated. The nature of paper, script, ink, illumination, and illustrations suggest that it was produced in provincial Mughal India, possibly the Punjab, in the 17th century.

Source: www.nlm.nih.gov/hmd/arabic/natural_hist4.html

Tags:   history vintage animals plants flora fauna art science Arabic bioknowlogy
