A view of the new dwelling. After 35 years in our family home, we are downsizing.
We've taken a retirement villa in Tarneit Skies.
So I'm coining "Under Tarneit Skies".
I'm seeing images of Bob Dylan's "Freewheelin'" and a voice saying "Open your eyes", but it's for real.
Down side for the next few days, no broadband and a hopeless 3G connection.
So I apologise for neither posting nor commeting until we come out of the moon shadow and resume communications.
Big Downside is I'll say farewell to my beloved Woodlands Historic Park as a regular visitor. Will probably have to get a day pass or something to get back in.
See you on the Far Side, to qoute Gary Larson. (out of context)
Tags: Tarneit
Just for Fun
Near where we walk there is a polo field and today we were lucky enough to see a match.
One of the first photo jobs I can recall was photographing a country polo event.
Not the Geebung Polo Club, of Banjo Patterson, but close enough.
What I enjoy about these events is not the riding skill or the clever gamesmanship, but rather the skill of the horse to turn on impossible angles and still maintain balance.
We watched a couple of Chukkas and then moved on.
Tags: Horse Just for Fun
Just for Fun
Another from the Polo Series.
This one is at full tilt with all hooves off the ground.
Tags: Horse
Australian Magpie, Gymnorhina tibicen
Somebody has removed the original weather vane motif (it would have been about 150 years old. It was on a stable and the motif was as horse.)
In the meantime it looks like this young Magpie might be standing in.
Tags: Australian Magpie Gymnorhina tibicen Just for Fun
Black Swan, Cygnus atratus
These rocks would not normally be exposed out of the water except for a low low tide.
I rather like the motif of the Swans peeking over the fence as they swam past
Tags: Black Swan Cygnus atratus