Black-shouldered Kite, Elanus axillaris
Found this young bird enjoying the last few moments of sunshine as a heavy squall swept in behind.
Tags: Black-shouldered Kite Elanus axillaris
White-browed Scrubwren, Sericornis frontalis
They have the most intense stare
Tags: Sericornis frontalis White-browed Scrubwren
Red-browed Finch, Neochmia temporalis
Lots of these little birds hard at work among the native grasses going to seed.
Tags: Neochmia temporalis Red-browed Finch
Stirated Thornbill, Acanthiza lineata
My library tells me I've only ever taken 5 shots of these before.
Normally dwelling among the leaves and the thick scrub, heard, but never seen.
Tags: Acanthiza lineata Striated Thornbill
Australasian Gannet, Morus serrator
Thanks to the high off-shore winds, the Gannets are able to hunt in close over a as the high tide covers the shallow mudflats.
A few more photos from the day are here on the blog.
Tags: Australasian Gannet Morus serrator