Black-shouldered Kite
A recent couple of fledglings, with rich orange markings on display.
Tags: Black-shouldered Kite
Collared Sparrowhawk
It was out circling over an open paddock when it dropped altitude and headed at high speed toward a treeline.
I lost sight through the trees.
Tags: Collared Sparrowhawk
Black-shouldered KIte
This young Kite had just scored a food exchange from the Male. TIghtly tucking up its prize it headed for a quiet area in the trees to enjoy its meal.
Tags: Black-shouldered Kite
Sharp-tailed Sandpiper
The Waders are all feeding voraciously, preparing fof their long migration to a summer in Siberia for nesting.
Tags: Sharp-tailed Sandpiper
Brown Falcon
To be honest, we were so busy at the WTP, looking for Terns, that we didn't notice this Brown Falcon on the solar panel set until the last moment. Just as I stopped the vehicle, it unfurled the sheets and departed.
Tags: Brown Falcon Falco berigora