Nankeen Kestrel
Hunting in the sunshine on a stormy day.
Tags: Nankeen Kestrel
Superb Fairywren
This alpha male must have known of Lance's interest in the species. This one has not gone into winter eclipse, His bright colours had a real sheen to them.
It used to be thought that the male had a harem of 6 or more females, but we know know that they are the young from the previous year's clutch(es) that carry over to help with the next season.
The chances are extremely high that none of the young carry his lineage.
The alpha female plays fast and loose during the breeding season, visiting any prospective males in other local colonies.
Don't feel to bad for him, as he will have been visited by the females from the other colonies as well.
Australian Pied Cormorant
Just for Fun
Ahhh, I'm getting too old for this.
I was following the Cormorant as it swept in from out at sea, it gave all indications it was going to land on the top of the pier, and then in a split second decision headed under the structure and behind the pylon.
Little Raven
The page flicked over on the Raven's calendar from June to July.
Time to being work on the new season's nest. First job collect the right size and style of nesting material.
Tags: Little Raven
Spotted Harrier
This bird is low down just over the grass. Intently searching for any opportunities. The big wings seem to have endless shapes, and angles to give the bird the best view.
Tags: Spotted Harrier