Australian Hobby
The Hobby sped through the trees in front of me, came out the far end and turned back to pass by me, with somethiing securely tucked up for lunch
Tags: Australian Hobby
Australian Magpie
I know, they do it everyday of their lives, but is something magical about watching a Maggpie sweep across the paddock, adjust all the sails and land effortlessly on the post.
Tags: Australian Magpie
Whiskered Tern Yoikes and Away!
For all you young at heart Looney Tunes aficionados.
Tags: Whiskered Tern
Austrlaian Magpie
Poor Dad is a bit hard pressed, finding food for his two recenlty fledged young.
Tags: Australian Magpie
Whiskered Tern
Making a good catch with all your hungry 'friends' around soon ends up a a high speed game of "Catch me if you Can"
Tags: Whiskered Tern