Langebro, copper-sheathed bridge control tower (1954).
Copenhagen Light Festival
Tags: Nikon Z8 Nikkor Z 35mm f1.4 CPH Lightfestival Langebro
I wouldn't have seen it if it didn't cry a lot.
Tags: Peregrine falcon Vandrefalk
One of a herd of alpacas, employed by Copenhagen city to maintain a park like area.
Tags: Sydhavnstippen Alpaka DOF Nikon Z8
A busy Friday night in December
My first time to try this film.
Shot at ISO1600
DD-X 1+4
FM2#005 (4)
Tags: 50mm f1.4 PLANAR Carl Zeiss Film Nikon FM2n Ilford Delta 3200
Tee box 15 is a hotspot for birding
Tags: Falsterbo Golf birding Nikon Nikon Z 180-600 Nikon Z8