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User / brookeshaden
Brooke Shaden / 5 items

N 157 B 33.0K C 16 E Sep 11, 2020 F Sep 11, 2020
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Every day is an opportunity, but how many do you take?
I've been guilty time and time again of resting, relying on old habits, letting what I struggled and strained to be good at become normal and boring. Not anymore. Now, everyday, I push to be more. Not better - more. More challenged. More curious. More excited. More passionate. More.If every day is an opportunity, what is it an opportunity for? More, or less, or the same?

I say this while sharing this video because I could have relied on the old to make this new image. I didn't. I learned something new and applied it. Those ripples, I had no idea how. I researched (thanks PSDESIRE for the YT video...displacement maps, who knew. I tried 10 times before I got it right). I won't always succeed at embracing every new opportunity, but I will always be cognizant of which one I choose. More, or less, or the same. I will always strive to choose more: to be more, to do more, to give more, to exist in ways I never thought possible. To live a life of more. What do you choose?Today, what do you choose?

Tags:   surrealism surreal photoshop how to edit editing video speed edit self portrait portal mirror reflection

N 125 B 47.2K C 10 E Jan 1, 2020 F Jan 1, 2020
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Available Now: "REFLECTION: Exploration of Self", limited edition box set book with signed print (only 100 available).


A decade of work. Thousands of edits. My entire adult life in images. I've spent so much of my time with my camera and Photoshop that I can't separate them from who I am. I explore myself through art. I know myself because of it. And now, one of my biggest dreams in all my life has come true. My first art book is available for pre-order. I can't believe I'm typing these words, on this incredible first day of this new decade. It's a book of my self-portraiture, a journey through the past decade of exploration.

"REFLECTION: Exploration of Self" box set is available for pre-order now, but the regular edition book (without box set and print) will be available for order in the coming months - wait for that announcement here!

P.S. This is also the 19 year anniversary of my grandmother's death. She was my best friend when I was young, and her death taught me to appreciate and find beauty in darkness. It feels like a beautiful tribute to share this book on this day, with a community who also embraces the beauty that all darkness holds, and who celebrates that space with me.

Tags:   fine art photography conceptual photography conceptual art self portrait self portraiture self portrait photography surrealism surreal photography art book limited edition how to photoshop

N 289 B 118.4K C 59 E May 30, 2017 F May 30, 2017
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Over a year ago I had an idea for an experimental little film that would be shot mostly underwater - a visual soundscape. For too long I stopped myself from creating video for fear I would let myself down, but no longer. The moment I had the idea I called up my favorite cinematographer, booked a house with a black bottom pool in LA, and made the drive out to shoot. The little film is called "Withering Resonance" - please enjoy!


Three fun facts about making this video:

1. It was extremely cold. Even Devin, pictured on my blog wearing a wet suit, was shaking violently. What might have taken an hour to film took all day as we could only shoot for, at most, 5 minute increments.
2. It was filmed almost entirely on a Go Pro!
3. Though Devin edited the film, I sent him Photoshop files containing my most-used curve adjustments so that he could emulate my distinct color palette in the video.

Director/Concept: Brooke Shaden (www.brookeshaden.com)
Cinematographer/Editor: Devin Schiro (www.youtube.com/channel/UC0LF...)
Talent: Sara Silkin (www.sarasilkin.com)
Wardrobe: Michelle Hebert (www.michellehebert.com)
Assistance: KD Stapleton & Kelly Mortensen
Music: "Unseen Entity" by Convolv

Tags:   underwater music video art film underwater underwater ballet underwater dance poetic motion

N 84 B 38.0K C 9 E Jul 5, 2016 F Jul 5, 2016
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*To see the full music video, click the link below*

Last year I decided that this year would be one of trying anything, everything, and whatever else is in between - what scares me, what excites me, and especially what scares and excites me. I decided to direct a music video without any expectation, just me, a small crew/cast, and the pure joy of making something that didn't previously exist. Photography is a passion of mine, but filmmaking came first. I started out as a teenager making the creepiest little films while I was supposed to be folding laundry in a retirement home. That passion blossomed into degrees in film and English from my university. And now, seven years after I graduated, I'm back to that original passion.


I present to you a music video for the song "At a Glance" by Message to Bears, with the band's joyful consent of the video (thank goodness!) to share with you. I hope today, no matter how you feel about my art, that you go out and create something - anything - that puts your mark on the world...or, more importantly, that captures your own heart and imagination. "Don't be scared, it's okay."

Writer/Director: Brooke Shaden
Director of Photography & Editor: Devin Schiro
Producers: Kelly McGrady, KD Stapleton
Stylist: Laura Behary
Cast: Lola Clark, Danielle Clark
Steadicam Operator: Brandon Toy
Music by: Message to Bears, “At a Glance”

Tags:   brooke shaden message to bears at a glance devin schiro music video

N 231 B 66.3K C 80 E Sep 19, 2010 F Sep 19, 2010
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A quiet video, experimental in nature, "though the looking glass" into another life, a glimpse at another lifeform, a new world.

To be paired with this.

Straight jacket on sale :)

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Tags:   brookeshaden video underwater water hair limbs animalistic soundtrack Sound created by swishing a water bottle all about, pairing that with a free looped sound, distorting and playing backwards.
