From my last hike of last season. It was a ridiculously beautiful day. I was fairly exhausted by this point, but I managed to make it back without issue.
I shot through these boulders a few years before this. Those photos were dark and brooding as the sky was gray and rain threatened. But on this September day, it was mild and gorgeous, especially after I dragged myself up above the Crab Creek plain.
Before me were the oft-mentioned Drumheller Collumns. My usual trek through here finds me atop them, but on this one, I couldn't make it.
Camera: Mamiya RB67
Film: Lomo Color 100
Process: DIY ECN-2
September 2024
Spring has returned, but this poor Lomo Color 100 roll was struggling to hold it together. Or maybe my developer was struggling. Or a bit of both. We're all struggling right now, trying to hold on, hold it together.
But this rainbow from last September, when the world didn't see so insane, was a little slice of perfection.
I took one day trip after my ill-fated July excursion. I walked along the banks of Crab Creek and then worked my weary way up into the heights above.
It wasn't meant to be a strenuous hike, but I was exhausted most of the time.
Over the winter, I've tried to keep in some sort of shape. I walk about five miles a day and I assume that's helping.
Next weekend will (likely) be my first day of the year back east. I plan on doing a few smaller hikes/walks mostly to keep warm and wear myself out. But I'm excited to get back. I miss the place when I'm away.
I could have decided to go today, but the weather report called for all clear skies. I'll gamble and wait for some clouds next weekend.
No camping yet, though. If I have to, I'm fine with camping in the low 30s, but if I don't have to (and I don't), I'd rather not.
'Wellbeing and Worldly'
Camera: Mamiya RB67
Film: Lomo Color 100
Process: DIY ECN-2
September 2024
The more I sift through my photos from the Virginia/North Carolina border towns, the more I think that they're not as horrible as first suspected. But also, as a whole, something I should have done better.
There were extenuating circumstances. No 'buts' here. I was dead at the time.
Camera: Mamiya RB67
Film: Ektachrome E100S (x-07/2002)
Process: DIY ECN-2
July 2024