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David M. Gray / 6,216 items

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David Bryce, 1841, enlarged 1850, incorporating earlier house, currently in ruins. 3-storey and attic Scottish Baronial mansion. Squared and stugged stone and ashlar dressings. Curtain wall remains on asymmetrical plan, of asymmetrical design, including stock Bryce Baronial motifs; squared corbelled bartizans, crowstepped gables and balustraded

Bryce was commissioned in 1841 to design the mansion around a long, low, narrow earlier house, by George Sligo, a relation of Bryce's later client at Inzievar House, Dunfermline. John Watson Laidlay commissioned the enlargement in 1850. The Baronial style was polularised by Bryce, and Seacliff demonstrated the specifically Brycian variant of the style. The house was destroyed by fire in 1907, killing the owner Andrew Laidlay, but the stables and service cottage remain. Although plans were drawn up by Robert Lorimer for its restoration in 1911 these were never carried out.

The outbuildings were later purchased by the Royal Navy who established a top-secret research base there during WWI. The station, known as HMS Scottish Seacliff, was mainly used for navigation training and U-Boat defence.

Tags:   Nikon Z 7 Nikkor Z 40mm f/2 SE Seacliff Seacliff House David Bryce Baronial Ruin

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Tags:   Nikon Z 7 Z 26mm f2.8 Seacliff Workshops Trailer Boat Corrugated iron

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At this point my dog was barking at them so I thought it best to leave!

Tags:   Nikon Z 7 Z 26mm f2.8 Cow Aberdeen Angus Cattle Farm

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Seacliff comprises a beach, an estate and a harbour. It lies 4 miles east of North Berwick. The beach and estate were used as a staging post for various raids on nearby Tantallon Castle from the 14th to the 17th century. Troops were also stationed here to prevent landings by the French during the Napoleonic Wars in 1798.

On the east side of the beach a rocky outcrop known as St Baldred's Boat, protrudes into the sea. At its tip a conical stone pillar, topped by a cross can be seen rising from the water. The cross commemorates the 8th century hermit, St Baldred of Tyninghame.

Tags:   Nikon Z 7 Z 26mm f2.8 Seacliff Beach St Baldred Firth of Forth Sign Fence

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Seacliff comprises a beach, an estate and a harbour. It lies 4 miles east of North Berwick. The beach and estate were used as a staging post for various raids on nearby Tantallon Castle from the 14th to the 17th century. Troops were also stationed here to prevent landings by the French during the Napoleonic Wars in 1798. In quieter times, the ownership of the estate has changed hands on several occasions.

Seacliff House was built in 1750 by Robert Colt. It was later bought by George Sligo who in 1841 employed the famous Scottish architect David Bryce to build a new house in baronial style. In 1907 the house was gutted by fire, killing the owner, Andrew Laidlay. It still lies in ruin today.

Seacliff Harbour is a sheltered spot accessible through a narrow channel, all blasted out of the red sandstone cliffs. This was constructed in 1890 by Andrew Laidlay, the then laird. The entrance measures just three metres across and it is the smallest harbour in the UK. Part of it can be seen the far side of Gegan Rock, the red sandstone rock on the left.

Tags:   Nikon Z 7 Z 26mm f2.8 Seacliff Beach Beach Bass Rock Firth of Forth Gegan Rock Harbour
