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User / De Rode Olifant / Sets / Origami - Blocks Tessellation
Marjan Smeijsters / 20 items

N 109 B 7.9K C 23 E Jun 3, 2016 F Jun 7, 2016
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Preparing two pieces of paper (20x20cm, glassine, grid 1:24) using square twists.
Curious what happened next? ;-))) Look here.

Have a nice day!

Tags:   blocks marjan smeijsters tessellation origami paper paperfolding square twist papiroflexia paperart

N 63 B 5.3K C 16 E Jun 7, 2016 F Jun 7, 2016
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I met Michał Kosmulski at het German Origami Convention and not so long ago he created the "Double Spearhead Tessellation" and I finally found some time to fold it too! (first row, left photo).

I like the backlight versions of this tessellation very much, because you can see so many patterns each time you focus differently. That why I rotated it too, gives a different feel. (first row, right photo).

In the second row you see my variation of this tessellation, called "Neptune scales" . Big thanks to Marguerite-Helene ;-))

Here you can see the beginning: "Blocks"

Both tessellation folded from 20x20cm, glassine, grid 1:24.

Tags:   michał kosmulski double spearhead tessellation origami tessellation marjan smeijsters paperfolding paper backlit neptune scales papiroflexia paperart neptune scales tessellation

N 173 B 13.2K C 59 E Jun 15, 2016 F Jun 15, 2016
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Normally when I fold a tessellation I also make one molecule of the pattern. The latest I folded are the "Double Spearhead Tessellation" by Michał Kosmulski and my variation "Neptune Scales Tessellation ".
It took me a while to find the right paper to show you the beauty of both molecules.
In the upper row just one molecule of both tessellations and in the lower row I connected 4 molecules. All folded from 15x15cm sheets of Freudenberger paper, which I also used for the background.

Tags:   michał kosmulski origami marjan smeijsters tessellation double spearhead tessellation neptune scales paper paperfolding lines pattern papiroflexia paperart neptune scales tessellation

N 138 B 10.4K C 36 E Jun 21, 2016 F Jun 23, 2016
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Perhaps you remember my latest tessellation "Blocks" using a square grit and a few diagonals. It reminded of an older idea of mine, so I refolded that in a bigger grid (1:32) and a bigger paper (34cm) and that's why it's called "Big Blocks".
Probably not the first one who had had this idea, but I discovered it by myself ;-)
You can change the motive by changing the position of the dark triangles. I like this tessellation the way it is now, so I will fold another to this stage and add more creases to that one, because what I had in mind is not yet realized ;-)

Size finished model about 17cm.
Used paper: glassine

Tags:   marjan smeijsters origami tessellation paper paperfolding big blocks papiroflexia paperart

N 142 B 6.7K C 24 E Jun 26, 2016 F Jun 28, 2016
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Can you find where the entrance is?

"Labyrinth" is one of the tessellation possibilities, when adding more creases and folds to Big Blocks. I not ready with 'research' on this pattern ;-))

Used paper: glassine 34cm, grid 1:32
Size finished model about 17cm.

Tags:   labyrinth origami paper paperfolding marjan smeijsters tessellation pattern papiroflexia paperart
