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User / ER's Eyes - Our planet is so beautiful. / Sets / The Valley of the Queens, West Bank, Luxor, Egypt.
Elias Rovielo / 7 items

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Prices in Sep/Oct 2018

Tags:   Necrópole dos Nobres The Necropolis of Nobles Egito Egypt Africa Asia South of Egypt tumbas tombs cemitério cemetery West Bank Margem Oeste Nilo Nile Rio Nilo Nile River Nubian Village Aldeia Nubian colina hill vista view outlook deserto desert sunset poente mosque mesquita férias vacation doors gates Ancient Egypt pin the Guardians of the Southern Gate Luxor tumb tomb Vale das Rainhas Biban al-Harim Ta-Set-Neferu the place of beauty royal family Nefertari Livro dos Mortos Mais bela entre elas sarcófago Valley of the Queens Wādī al Malekāt وادي الملكات Box office ingressos bilhetes bilheteria add some Aladin Tours Nefertiti Hotel Eman Ahmed

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The Valley of the Queens is a site in Egypt, where wives of Pharaohs were buried in ancient times. In ancient times, it was known as Ta-Set-Neferu, meaning –"the place of beauty".

Using the limits as described by Christian Leblanc, the Valley of the Queens consists of the main wadi which contains most of the tombs, as well as the Valley of Prince Ahmose, the Valley of the Rope, the Valley of the Three Pits, and the Valley of the Dolmen. The main wadi contains 91 tombs and the subsidiary valleys add another 19 tombs. The burials in the subsidiary valleys all date to the 18th dynasty
The reason for choosing the Valley of the Queens as a burial site is not known. The location in close proximity to the worker's village in Deir el-Medina and the Valley of the Kings may have been a factor. Another consideration may be the existence of a sacred grotto dedicated to Hathor at the entrance of the Valley. This grotto may be associated with rejuvenation for the dead.

Tags:   Luxor Egito Egypt tumb tomb Vale das Rainhas Biban al-Harim Ta-Set-Neferu the place of beauty royal family Nefertari Livro dos Mortos Mais bela entre elas sarcófago Valley of the Queens Wādī al Malekāt وادي الملكات Aladin Tours Nefertiti Hotel Eman Ahmed

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Goddess Hathor giving an Ankh to Nefertari

The tomb of Nefertari, QV66 is one of the largest in the Valley of the Queens. It is 520 square meters, and covered with pictures of Nefertari. Her husband the pharaoh is not represented in any of the pictures. Nefertari can be seen wearing Greek silver earrings with a labrys design in one of the portraits (see lead image). These would have been sent to her as a gift for diplomatic reasons. The tomb was robbed in antiquity. In 1904 it was rediscovered and excavated by Ernesto Schiaparelli. Several items from the tomb, including parts of gold bracelets, shabti figures and a small piece of an earring or pendant are now in the Boston Museum of Fine Arts. Additional shabti figures are in the Egyptian Museum in Cairo.

A report by science journal PLOS ONE published November 30, 2016, has indicated that a pair of mummified legs found in QV66 and now at the Museo Egizio of Turin, may indeed be Nefertari's based on the bone structure and the age of the person, which fits the profile of Nefertari

Tags:   Luxor Egito Egypt tumb tomb Vale das Rainhas Biban al-Harim Ta-Set-Neferu the place of beauty royal family Nefertari Livro dos Mortos Mais bela entre elas sarcófago Valley of the Queens Wādī al Malekāt وادي الملكات Aladin Tours Nefertiti Hotel Eman Ahmed

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Nefertari's tomb is hailed as one of the finest in the Theban necropolis – and all of Egypt for that matter. Nefertari was one of five wives of Ramses II, the New Kingdom pharaoh known for his colossal monuments, but the tomb he built for his favourite queen is a shrine to her beauty and, without doubt, an exquisite labour of love. Every centimetre of the walls in the tomb’s three chambers and connecting corridors is adorned with colourful scenes.

Nefertari, known as the ‘Most Beautiful of Them’, is depicted wearing a divinely transparent white gown and a golden headdress featuring two long feathers extending from the back of a vulture. The ceiling of the tomb is festooned with golden stars. In many places the queen is shown in the company of the gods and with associated text from the Book of the Dead.

Like most of the tombs in the Valley of the Kings, this one had been plundered by the time it was discovered by archaeologists. Only a few fragments of the queen’s pink-granite sarcophagus remained, and of her mummified body, only traces of her knees were left.

A replica of the tomb is planned to be installed, alongside the replica of Tutankhamun's burial chamber, near Howard Carter's house.

Tags:   Luxor Egito Egypt tumb tomb Vale das Rainhas Biban al-Harim Ta-Set-Neferu the place of beauty royal family Nefertari Livro dos Mortos Mais bela entre elas sarcófago Valley of the Queens Wādī al Malekāt وادي الملكات Aladin Tours Nefertiti Hotel Eman Ahmed

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Tyti's tomb is designated QV52 in the Valley of the Queens and her titles were: King's Daughter; King's Sister; King's Wife; King's Mother; God's Wife, Lady of the Two Lands. The tomb had been described by Champollion (tomb 3), Lepsius (number 9), Wilkinson (number 12) and Hay (number 2). The tomb consists of a corridor, side chambers, a hall and an inner (burial) chamber.

The corridor has a doorway which opens up to a further stretch of corridor which has been described as an antechamber. The walls are decorated with deities that form pairs with one on the north wall and the other on the south wall. After a seated winged goddess Ma’at, we find the gods Ptah (South) and Thoth (North) who represent the underworld, then Ra-Harakhti and Atum who are solar deities, followed by Imset and Hapy and by Duamutef and Qebehsenuef, the Four Sons of Horus. The parade of deities is concluded by Isis and Nephthys.

The decorations in the hall consist of protective deities. Included are for instance the gods Herymaat and Nebneru ("Lord of Terror"). Herymaat represents the rebirth of Queen Tyti. The doorways to the side chambers (or annexes) are decorated with guardians that are reminiscent of the Book of the Dead. The entrance to the final chamber is decorated with the Four Sons of Horus. Imset and Duamutef on the south side of the entrance and Hapy and Qebehsenuef on the north side.

The decorations or the side chambers include netherworld gods, images of Canopic chests and the Souls of Pe and Nekhen. One of the side chambers also includes a scene showing the Queen as a (male) Iunmutef priest. In the inner chamber the Queen again appears before several deities. The rear wall contains a scene depicting Osiris. He is seated on a throne and assisted by Thoth, Nephthys, Neith and Serket.
The tomb was reused during the Third Intermediate Period. A pit was dug in the Inner Chambers and excavations have yielded a variety of funerary items, including sarcophagi and personal items.[

Tags:   Luxor Egito Egypt tumb tomb Vale das Rainhas Biban al-Harim Ta-Set-Neferu the place of beauty royal family Nefertari Livro dos Mortos Mais bela entre elas sarcófago Valley of the Queens Wādī al Malekāt وادي الملكات Aladin Tours Nefertiti Hotel Eman Ahmed
