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User / Photos By Dave Forbes
Dave Forbes / 4,578 items

N 2 B 103 C 1 E Jul 2, 2024 F Jul 5, 2024
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Remember when the now PM was asked if he preferred the UK Gov or Global Elitists at Davos , his answer was the latter , this is all you need to know about the man. In six weeks electioneering Labour really didn't really told us anything.

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P h o t o C r e d i t © M.I.F

Some preserved or restored World War 2 Willy's Jeeps are line abreast on Gold Beach near Arromanches-les-Bains with detailed with the American Army Star.

This is the 80th Anniversary of the secret D-Day Seabourne landings codenamed Operation Overlord in Frances' Channel Coast where the few original allied old former servicemen came to commemorate their patriots who fought alongside them in June 1944. The tactics of the British Forces and her allies completely outwitted the German Army by letting false information to be broadcast of different invasion plans including that of a Norwegian invasion that never was

Tags:   200+Views D-Day D-Day 80th Gold Beach Arromanche France D-Day Commemorations

N 5 B 308 C 2 E May 31, 2024 F Jun 3, 2024
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© D a v e F o r b e s

Situated in the centre of Kirkintilloch

Regent Gardens has , in recent months , been given a full revamp which was somewhat delayed by Covid by about 2 years and is now fully opened to the public. The framework in the centre of the green opens up to reveal a bright red awning for public events

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N 10 B 453 C 5 E Jun 3, 2024 F Jun 3, 2024
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Engagement 400+

Family members are holidaying in Normandy France and took stroll along the famous D-Day British sector Juno Beach during the bold military seabourne landings to recapture the European mainland from Nazi tyranny , one of the five landing beaches during WW2. The other allies invasion code names beached were Gold , Sword , Omaha & Utah

Sadly In a recent poll questionaire for young people between the ages of 16 to 24 a low percentage never knew about this famous event in global history , what the hell are schools teaching them?. Hopefully not the eradication of British history

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N 9 B 289 C 2 E May 16, 2024 F May 16, 2024
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© M o t o r i n g M e m o r i e s

H183 RNW @ Kirkintilloch

The small 3-wheeler 850cc glass-fibre bodied Reliant Rialto still caught my eye amidst other modern cars especially in this green.
The Rialto is the successor to the more famous Reliant Robin from 1982 with a slightly larger 4-speed manual and lesser known as a cyclecar. This example was first registered for UK roads in 1990

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