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User / Gavin Hardcastle - Fototripper / Tags / backlight
1 item

N 418 B 18.5K C 23 E Jun 27, 2022 F Jun 27, 2022
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Half the battle with photography is being able to let go of a composition and move on to what's working for you.

The sun was setting over a nearby hill and just barely hitting these gorgeous lupins. I can't wait to show you this vlog.

About 10 seconds after I took this shot the sun went down and the lupins lost their magical glow.

I'll show you the difference that 10 seconds makes as the composition vanished before my eyes.

On another note, I hope you're managing to deal with the spamming scammer that's bombarding my comments section to try and fool you into some scam or other.

I decided to make a video explaining how to spot these scammers and also how you might have a chance at winning one my beloved cameras.


Thanks for reading.
Gavin #fototripper

Tags:   fototripper lupins flowers wildflowers summer cape breton cabot trail sunset backlight backlit
