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User / geckzilla / Sets / Chandra Processing
Judy Schmidt / 29 items

N 36 B 22.2K C 3 E Sep 9, 2019 F Sep 9, 2019
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Took an older picture I'd already processed from HST and tried overlaying the x-rays. This supernova remnant has a reddish/cooler x-ray rim with a bluer/hotter interior. Interestingly, the part brightest in visible light, which some call the firefox, is the dimmest part of the x-ray emitting nebula, but also apparently the hottest.

A Hubble-only view that I did a while back is here: flic.kr/p/MqXcQX

The upper left and lower right and a few other smaller places are missing data. I've put some fake data in there to make it less distracting, but it should be just noticeable if one looks closely.

Hubble proposals used:
High Resolution Imaging of Bubble and Superbubbles in HII Regions
Supernova Remnants in a Cloudy Interstellar Medium

Chandra data:
Red: .10-.70 keV
Green: .70-1.0 keV
Blue: 1.00-5.50 keV
(A single exposure from 2000, Obs ID 777)

Hubble data:
Orange: F673N WFPC2/WF
Cyan: F656N WFPC2/WF
Blue: F502N WFPC2/WF

North is up.

Tags:   HST Hubble CXO Chandra x-ray visible narrowband emission gas Large Magellanic Cloud LMC supernova remnant

N 30 B 21.5K C 0 E Sep 7, 2019 F Sep 7, 2019
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N103B is seen here glowing in nacreous colored x-rays from CXO overlaid upon its visible counterpart from HST glowing red in hydrogen and greenish oxygen emission.

Coincidentally, and wonderfully, a bright planetary nebula is glowing a greenish yellow hue to the lower right, seen against a reddish, larger gaseous emission nebula which surrounds the young double star cluster NGC 1850 that exists just outside the frame.

This is all happening within our small, neighboring galaxy, the Large Magellanic Cloud. We are lucky to have the LMC as there are many neat things to see within it, but it is not so far away that they are too small to make out.

Hubble data from the following proposals were used to create the image:
A Search for Surviving Companions of Type Ia Supernovae in the Large Magellanic Cloud
N103B: A Type Ia Remnant with Circumstellar Interaction... Kepler's Older Cousin?

Chandra data:
Red: .10-.90 keV
Green: .90-1.20 keV
Blue: 1.20-10.0 keV
(All 12 of Willams's observations from 2018)

Hubble data:
40% Luminosity: WFC3/UVIS F657N
Red screen: WFC3/UVIS F656N
Cyan screen: WFC3/UVIS F502N
Red: WFC3/UVIS F814W
Green: WFC3/UVIS F555W
Blue: WFC3/UVIS F475W

North is up.

Tags:   HST Hubble CXO Chandra x-ray x-rays supernova remnant planetary nebula hydrogen oxygen emission Large Magellanic Cloud LMC

N 46 B 18.6K C 4 E Sep 3, 2019 F Sep 3, 2019
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Another supernova remnant from the Large Magellanic Cloud, seen by Hubble and Chandra in visible, near-infrared, and x-ray light. This time I've overlapped two color images together, because I heard you like color so I put color in your color so you can look at color while you look at color.

Hubble data from the following proposal was used to create the image:
A Search for Surviving Companions of Type Ia Supernovae in the Large Magellanic Cloud

Chandra data:
Red: .30-.70 keV
Green: .70-.80 keV
Blue: .80-4.20 keV
(Obs IDs 3876 & 4440)

Hubble data:
Red Screen & 30% Luminosity: WFC3/UVIS F656N
Red: WFC3/UVIS F814W
Green: WFC3/UVIS F555W
Blue: WFC3/UVIS F475W

North is 48.38° clockwise from up.

Tags:   Hubble HST Chandra CXO x-rays x-ray visible near-infrared SNR supernova remnant nebula emission bubble DEM L 71

N 21 B 17.9K C 0 E Aug 29, 2019 F Aug 29, 2019
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A supernova remnant in the Large Magellanic Cloud from Hubble and Chandra (visible and x-ray light).

Hubble only version: flic.kr/p/2h7ykXj
Chandra only version: flic.kr/p/2h7wtqw

Chandra data:
Violet / Magenta overlay: ACIS .30-2.00 keV

Hubble data:
Red Screen & 50% Luminosity: WFC3/UVIS F565N
Red: WFC3/UVIS F814W
Green: WFC3/UVIS F555W
Blue: WFC3/UVIS F475W

North is 8.55° counter-clockwise from up.

Tags:   HST Hubble Chandra CXO x-rays x-ray visible near-infrared supernova remnant gas hot LMC Large Magellanic Cloud SNR DEM L238

N 11 B 16.6K C 0 E Aug 29, 2019 F Aug 29, 2019
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A supernova remnant in the Large Magellanic Cloud from Chandra, seen in x-ray light.

I did the color filtering differently this time, following the example given on this page: hea-www.harvard.edu/ChandraSNR/SNRJ0534.2-7033/chandra_im...

Truth be told, and I'd never deny it, I still don't really know what I'm doing when I work with Chandra data. I mean, I can smooth it decently, but when it comes to picking and understanding the energy levels to assign colors to, it's not something I know much about.

Anyway, this is not the longest exposure ever, so it's pretty noisy, which you can probably still see despite the attempt at smoothing.

Hubble+Chandra version: flic.kr/p/2h7ympS
Hubble only version: flic.kr/p/2h7ykXj

Red: .30-.80 keV
Green: .80-1.10 keV
Blue: 1.10-2.00 keV

North is 8.55° counter-clockwise from up.

Tags:   Chandra CXO x-ray supernova remnant hot gas LMC Large Magellanic Cloud SNR DEM L238
