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User / Ray Horwath / Sets / View Statistics
Ray / 9 items

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Earlier today, my photo-stream finally reached the One Million "view" count. I do appreciate all of you who've spent time looking at my photos, both good and bad. :-) Thanks to my contacts who stop by when they can. I've spent a lot of time in several Disney groups, the Super Six Awards groups, as well as most of the Views: groups that I moderate. And a certain amount of these clicks have also been caused by search bots, and bloggers. Due to time constraints, I've had to limit my time in a few other awards groups that I used to post to. I've looked forward for the last few years to reaching 1M views on this small stream, for whatever that is worth in the grand scheme of things. :-)

I started this stream in February 2008, and reached 900,000 views in July of 2013. As time went by, my stream views increased to the point that it averaged about 600 views per day, or 18,000 to 20,000 per month. Not a lot in comparison to some of my contacts, but I've been happy with the activity received.

However, I think that the recent activity has been caused by the new AWESOME (sarcasm) way that Flickr now determines "views".

As you can see from the graph, I received 100,000 views in the last 6 weeks. Most of these have been received since July 29th, the day that Flicker enacted their last major change. (The zero count on the graph was actually about 2600 views. The graph dumped the count the next day, as it occasionally has done through the years.

So, I've gone from about 600 views per day to about 2500 to 3000 per day without doing anything different. I still post only one photo per day.

Does anyone else think that this 500% increase in "views" has anything to do with Yahoo and Flickr selling advertising at higher rates, due to increased page click counts on their new "Awesome" web site? :-)

Tags:   Ray Horwath Horwath screen capture screen cap view counts views Flickr

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A screen shot from earlier today. It took five and a half years to reach one million views on this account. The second million views were received in 50 weeks, even though I didn't post any photos for 18 of those weeks. Of course, Flickr's change in how "views" are recorded occurred last year and has a lot to do with the increase.

I do want to thank all of my Flickr contacts and those other members who have stopped by this small photostream through the years. Your time and comments have been greatly appreciated.

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For what it's worth, I passed the 3 million view count today. Since Flickr's changes a few years ago, my views have really jumped. Of course, bots probably account for 90% of the views.

I do want to thank all of my Flickr contacts and those other members who have stopped by this small photostream through the years. Your time and comments have been greatly appreciated. :-)

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For what it's worth, I passed the 4 million view count today. My views had jumped after Flickr's changes a few years ago, although they've lowered for the last several months. Of course, bots probably account for 90% of the views.

I do want to thank all of my Flickr contacts and those other members who have stopped by this small photostream through the years. Your time and comments have been greatly appreciated. :-)

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I passed the 5 million view count today. My views had jumped after Flickr's changes several years ago, although they've lowered for the last few years.

I do want to thank all of my Flickr contacts and those other members who have stopped by this small photostream through the years. Your time and comments have been greatly appreciated. :-)

5 Million Feb 21, 2018
4 Million June 11, 2016
3 Million May 21, 2015
2 Million Aug 25, 2014
1 Million Sep 03, 2013
