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User / John LeClair
John LeClair / 2,030 items

N 63 B 2.5K C 94 E May 21, 2022 F Nov 3, 2022
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Tags:   Birds Herons Reddish Egret Sony Sony A1 200-600 Wildlife Flight Waterbirds

N 84 B 1.9K C 78 E Feb 23, 2024 F Feb 24, 2024
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I've already posted a few pictures of this guy so I am now flirting with becoming a redundant one trick pony but I was in his area checking on something else and had to give it another go.

He is a real challenge to both my patience and skills in trying to catch him in flight. Extremely fast and gives no indication that I can tell when he is about to take off. He is there one millisecond and gone the next.

The majority of my attempts have no bird in them at all I am sorry to say. You have to take an absolute gazillion shots to get anything close to usable. A bit of an exaggeration, but your arms will feel that it is a very accurate statement.

In any case, I find him to be a very beautiful bird and a challenge to photograph; and who doesn't like a challenge??

Cornell University's AllAboutBirds.org website's range map shows a nonbreeding scarce population along the entire Gulf Coast, from Mexico, thru Texas, La., Ala., and down the west coast of Florida. But not the east coast of Florida where this guy is, so maybe they are extending their range a bit?

Vermilion Flycatcher (Pyrocephalus rubinus)

Tags:   Birds Songbirds Vermillion Flycatcher Sony A1 Sony 200-600 Birds in Flight

N 25 B 399 C 32 E Aug 26, 2024 F Oct 4, 2024
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I photographed this guy (girl? From my understanding, the difference between the sexes is one, size and two the length of the hair (mane) down the back. I can't see the back and nothing to compare size to, so not sure of the sex. Feel free to chime in if you can tell) from the Lentorre Lodge blind in the late afternoon when they came to have a drink.

Not sure why, but when I look at this picture, I immediately think the movie Animal House when Dean Wormer sits behind his desk, takes off his glasses, looks up at Flounder and says: "Fat drunk and stupid is no way to go thru life son."

A few things about that. I realize many (most?) of you are not from the US and may have never heard of the movie much less seen it. And many of you from the US are just too darn young to be familiar with it. And of course, most importantly, this guy (gal??) is none of those things. Well, maybe he could shed a pound or two.....

But I digress; here is a nice Olive Baboon looking straight at you for your viewing pleasure. Enjoy!! :)

Tags:   Africa Kenya Mammals Monkeys Olive Baboon Lentorre Sony A1 Coth5+

N 201 B 6.2K C 71 E Aug 26, 2024 F Oct 2, 2024
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This is another shot of a caracal coming to a water hole; shot from a blind/hide.

The hide at Lentorre Lodge has pretty sophisticated lighting. Here you can see the backlighting in action.

Tags:   Africa Caracal Kenya Mammals Lentorre Water Cats

N 98 B 2.4K C 303 E Nov 21, 2023 F Nov 25, 2023
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Reddish Egrets are constant motion and my favorite Egret to photograph.

Tags:   Birds Egrets Reddish Egret Shore Birds Sony A1 200-600 Water Coast Shore SpecAnimal
