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User / J. Tewell / Sets / Philippine American and Spanish American War in the Philippines
John Tewell / 46 items

N 2 B 24.7K C 3 E Nov 29, 2011 F Nov 28, 2011
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This is either Cavite or Manila. Anyone recognize the building on the right?
The wooden boxes on the bottom must have been very strong to support the weight above. I understand there was much spoilage of foods during this time. For interesting information go here and read: www.almc.army.mil/alog/issues/JulAug98/MS305.htm

Guy V. Henry Sr. collection
Original photo is in the U.S. Army Heritage collection.

Tags:   Spanish American War, Philippines

N 16 B 9.4K C 22 E Nov 29, 2011 F Nov 28, 2011
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This church probably has connection to the Philippine American War. Difficult to tell but it looks to have been burnt out. Please help me identify it.

Samuel B. M. Young collection
Original photo is in the U.S. Army Heritage collection.

Tags:   Philippine American War Philippines

N 6 B 10.3K C 11 E Feb 16, 2011 F Nov 29, 2011
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Philippine American War… The stone block part is the façade or front of the church. To the right is corrugated sheet metal that is the main part of the roof. On the other side of the stream there looks to have been a village that was completely destroyed. I wonder if the church is still there today?

Cameras at that time were big and heavy. Film and lens were slow requiring long shutter times. To accomplish a good sharp photograph made a tripod a necessity. Considering this, this picture was probably taken from a near-by bell tower.

Underwood & Underwood

Tags:   Philippine American War Manila Philippines

N 9 B 16.1K C 3 E Mar 9, 2014 F Mar 8, 2014
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A typed transcript of the handwritten letter for easier reading.
How strange it can be to look back in time into the mind of a person, and how he thought 119 years ago. A letter of an American soldier that was stationed in Manila, Philippines in November 1898 that wrote to his sister back in the USA. This letter has a wide range of powerful emotions. To me it says how little we actually know our forebears. All in one letter he talks about gifts sent back home, and how he likes the Philippine Islands and glad the USA may keep them and he would like to continue serving in the Army in the Philippines instead of back in the USA. And of fights between the Spanish and the Filipinos, of killings, and how they always killed 2 or more for every one killed to get even. And Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

Tags:   Old letters Philippines Old letter American soldier Old Letter Manila Old letter Philippines Philippine American War
