East of Mulliken, Michigan.
Tags: Sky & Clouds Mulliken FujiFilm FinePix F10 Snow 2007 People Field Door joeldinda
This is the farm behind the houses across the road. Photo taken on my Mulliken walkabout on Thanksgiving weekend.
Tags: farm mulliken michigan snow d70 joeldinda
This was taken yesterday afternoon from my front yard, looking across Potter Street. We're surrounded by farms.
When I was searching for a home, I stopped at the Mulliken Post Office and asked the postmaster about the town. He told me the place used to be a farm town, but was rapidly becoming a bedroom community--a distant suburb of Lansing. There's truth in that characterization. But it's not the whole truth.
Tags: mulliken farm sky 1-5-fav michiganfavorites joeldinda
Just outside town on M-43.
Much of the land around Mulliken belongs to folks named Spitzley. This seems to be the main home, with the rest satellites. It received a substantial addition last year.
Mark! The SR-T 101 works. Thanks!
Tags: house mulliken bw black&white srt101 snow joeldinda
More of this morning's snow. This is M-43 (see the sign--nobody calls this anything else), right where you'd turn to get to my house.
Tags: highway m-43 mulliken cars d70 joeldinda