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User / joeldinda / Sets / Monochrome
Joel Dinda / 2,275 items

N 1 B 2.0K C 2 E Jan 1, 1979 F Apr 5, 2005
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Members of the Kalamazoo Bicycle Club hit the road for a club ride, sometime in the late 1970s. That's Jan Hageman pulling the trailer, Aimee Hageman in the trailer, and Dave Hageman's just getting started on the side of the road. Can't identify the other riders; any help would be welcome. [Correction: See Jan's comment, below.]

I'm not really sure where this photo was taken, but other pictures in the set make it pretty clear the ride leader had chosen a local fire station for the starting point.

Addendum 9/16/05: Aimee dropped me a line about this photo the other day. She was shocked....

This might be Richard's photo, not mine, in which case the camera was an Olympus OM-1.

Camera: probably Minolta Zoom 110 SLR
Photo (probably) by Joel Dinda sometime in the late 1970s.

Tags:   bicycle hageman kalamazoo bicycle club richard dinda bw promotion notbyme kbc kalamazoorichard joeldinda

N 4 B 1.8K C 2 E Jan 1, 1978 F Apr 13, 2005
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Alvin Holmes and my brother Richard at the sag wagon for a Kalamazoo Bicycle Club event in the late 1970s. The car looks like Sandy Kimbrough's.

The things I can't remember about this photograph are pretty annoying: I don't know where it was taken, what event we were hosting, what the date was, or who took the picture. Age and distance seem to have done my memory in....

Camera and photographer unknown.

Tags:   kalamazoo bicycle club richard dinda bicycling bw promotion notbyme kbc kalamazoorichard joeldinda

N 3 B 864 C 5 E Jan 1, 1977 F Apr 5, 2005
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Santa delivered Minolta's then brand-new 110 Zoom SLR in 1976, so a few days later (quite likely New Years' Day) I borrowed Mom's Beetle and shot some pix. Among the places I visited was the newly-minted Scotts Mill Park, where I took a couple dozen pictures of the old mill which is the park's soul.

Camera: Minolta Zoom 110 SLR

Tags:   mill kalamazoo vicinity bw zoom110 michiganparks joeldinda

N 11 B 2.2K C 10 E Jan 1, 1976 F Apr 11, 2005
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Bicycle racers at speed: USCF National Championships at the Ed Rudolph Velodrome in Northbrook, Illinois. I'd guess this is a Points Race heat, but it's a guess; no idea which class or who the riders are. Photo dates from the late 1970s.

Camera: Minolta Zoom 110 SLR

Tags:   bicycle racing northbrook northbrook velodrome velodrome track uscf nationals bw 5-10-fav joeldinda

N 14 B 10.6K C 17 E Jun 8, 1955 F Apr 5, 2005
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Photographer: Martin Sernstinger, developed (at Michigan News) June 8, 1955. Explored! #56 [July 6, 2007.] Thanks!

My father--Roger Dinda--is on the left in this photo. The guy in the middle is Fred Stone, and I'm not sure who the other is; since Dad & Stoney were off-duty firemen, I presume the other guy was as well [Sam Garrison, it turns out; see my brother's comment below]. Dad was a firefighter when I was young, and considered himself still a firefighter until he died. On his off-days, he held other jobs. The fallback job--this one--was called "driving hacks." Or just "hacking."

The photo was taken on Michigan Avenue in Kalamazoo, in front of the cab stand beside Michigan News Agency. The official-looking building across the road is the Kalamazoo County Building, which still looks about the same; on the other hand, Michigan Avenue's been a One Way road for most of my life. Michigan News still stocks comic books, which was the attraction when I was a kid. Good place to buy maps, too.

Since the picture dates from 1955, it's over fifty years old. Mom had us digging through boxes of old photos shortly before she died. This one was the best of a stash of Sernstinger pix which had mostly obvious firefighting connections.

Dad was a little chubby, I see....

New scan uploaded 12/30/05.

Tags:   roger dinda firefighters cabbies taxi taxicab kalamazoo vicinity martin sernstinger kalamazoo bw wow notbyme michiganfavorites 1-10-fav fifties joeldinda 56 comment72057594123325000>my
