The light tower at Forty Mile Point Lighthouse, near Rogers City, Michigan. This is an exterior view to go with the interior shots I've been sharing for the past few days.
Tags: lighthouse tower exterior forty mile point 40 mile point spiral steps d70 raw michiganparks michiganlighthouses greatlakes joeldinda
This pleasant little flower bed is outside Forty Mile Point Lighthouse, near Rogers City, Michigan.
Tags: garden lighthouse yard d70 raw michiganparks michiganlighthouses joeldinda
Another view of the tower stairway at Forty Mile Point Lighthouse, near Rogers City, Michigan.
Tags: lighthouse tower stair forty mile point 40 mile point spiral steps d70 raw michiganlighthouses joeldinda
The steps in the lighthouse tower. This light has a wide tower, and the stair is relatively tame.
Forty Mile Point Lighthouse, near Rogers City, Michigan.
Tags: stair spiral staircase tower light lighthouse 40 mile point forty mile point rogers city michigan greatlakes d70 raw michiganlighthouses joeldinda
Forty Mile Point Lighthouse, near Rogers City, Michigan.
The focal point of a fairly new county park, and of a surprisingly good maritime museum. The lady at the top of the steps--I suppose you'd call her a docent--had a fine spiel, answers to simple questions, and an engaging personality. She was waiting for the sailboats to appear....
Tags: stair spiral staircase tower light lighthouse 40 mile point forty mile point rogers city michigan greatlakes d70 raw parks joeldinda