Tags: cat kitty oreo bed blanket sleeping b&w cybershot neopan 400/polymax 2--bibble andrea might be 1/366. we'll see 366-2012 joeldinda
Tags: snow garden winter curve curb kerb manhole street corner cybershot perhaps 2/366 it's gonna be a b&w year, regardless b/w textures 366-2012 joeldinda
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Tags: books bookshelf cherryh cj cherryh foreigner series cyvbershot b&w 4/366 if i keep it up coming march 6 yes i like cherryh. i like cherryh best 366-2012 joeldinda
Tags: building storefront michelin tires portland michigan b&w cybershot 5/366 does anyone think i'll make it? downtown portland michigan 366-2012 joeldinda