Otherwise: Me and Mom with m' baby brother, January of 1954. Photo by Roger Dinda with his new Argus C3.
I've been playing with a new scanner today. This photo was the very first slide in Carousel #1 of my dad's photo collection. I can see why.
Tags: Scanned Roger Dinda Not by Me Slide Hatti Richard Joel Family Home
On my fifth birthday Mom threw me a party, with fireman's hats and a cake and noisemakers and presents. Looks like I made out like a bandit, though all these years later I've no idea what I found when I unwrapped those packages.
The best thing about this photo, though, is the expression on Debbie's face.
Roger Dinda photo taken 2/27/1954 in Kalamazoo; scanned from a slide.
Tags: Hattie Harriett Interior Mom Relatives jowo Me Hatti Family Kitchen June #2862 Scanned Argus Undated Birthday Kodachrome Transparency Party Home Beacon Street 1954 C3 Kalamazoo Pastor Debra Joel Debra Jean Debbie
Dad, it turns out, is roughly as wooden a photo subject as Joey. (Richard, too; must run in the male gene.)
Not sure who took this, but it was taken the day Mom & Dick came home from hospital. The plywood wall reveals the location as our house on Beacon. January of 1954.
Dad purchased his Argus C3 because Richard was due, and he wanted a better camera in order to document Dick's life. And the rest of us, of course.
I expect he'd have bought the camera anyway, eventually. He was a pretty serious photographer, something I expect to discuss further as we scan more photographs. While he never owned an expensive camera--the C3 could reasonably be called the peak of his gear--he did pay attention to the details serious photographers watch, and owned the gear necessary to take serious photos.
And whatever that gene was, he passed to all three kids.
Tags: Kalamazoo Beacon Street Person People Not by Me Relatives Home Unknown Photographer Loveseat Davenport May #2850 Interior Baby Sofa Furniture Roger Scanned Slide Unknown Camera Dick Rich Family Richard
At our house on Beacon Street in Kalamazoo--you can tell by the plywood walls. This was one of the set taken shortly after Richard was born.
My great grandfather (Dad's mom's father) was born around 1870, evidently in Marcellus; he passed away in August of 1957.
Roger Dinda photograph, 1954.
Most of my father's slides are familiar, but I remember them as being organized primarily by date taken. The scanning project's made it clear that late in his life Dad rearranged them. At least four carousels have been reworked, which he labeled RPD #1 through RPD #4. (For Roger Paul Dinda.)
Slide Carousel RPD #1 is sort of a family album, with pictures taken prior to 1965 or so. The first 40 slides are of our immediate family--the pics of Mom and Dad I posted a few days ago, then groups portraying me, my sister Debbie, and my brother Dick. The next 20 slides are of the Kalamazoo area Dindas, and were taken mostly at family gatherings. The last 20 are pix of the Kroeger clan (Mom's family), which were taken family by family where they lived around 1960 (mostly in Iowa).
There are gaps--we didn't see the California Kroegers very often, for instance, so they're mostly not represented. But all in all it's a good effort. And interesting to explore.
I'm looking forward to scanning RPD #2 in a few days, and finding what's there.
Tags: C3 Relatives Kalamazoo Roger Dinda Home Benwires Living Room #2857 June Relative George B Interior Not by Me 1954 Scanned Beacon Street Slide
Merry Christmas, everyone!
Me, my brother, and my sister with our presents on Christmas morning in 1954. Dick's 11 months old, Debbie's a bit over three years, and I'm a couple months shy of six.
1326 Beacon Street in Kalamazoo; the plywood walls give it away (as do our ages, of course). The book cases were built by our grandfather, Fritz Kroeger, who did that sort of thing for a living.
Photo by Roger Dinda. This is why he bought his Argus C3.
Tags: Slide Holiday Christmas Joel Relatives Me jowo Family Richard Dick Rich Not by Me Roger Dinda Home Beacon Street Kalamazoo Presents Decorations #2850 May Undated C3 Argus Scanned Detroit Color Laboratories