A Celebration of Joan, on our Anniversary.
We've been married for four years, but we've been a couple for a long time. Thought I'd post a few pictures.
It's Labor Day weekend in 1999, and Mom's hosting the family at Jolli-Lodge, on Lake Michigan south of Leland.
Tags: Deck Surf Balcony Relatives Joan Beach Great Lakes Water Breakers Waterfront jpb Film Kodak Premium Processing (98) Negatives Gold 800 Kodak September #1161 Chinon Scanned Family Branch Chinon Geneis III 1999 Vacation Genesis III G3 Michigan Lake Michigan Resort Tree Leelanau County Jolli-Lodge 1100 1990s Camera Components Developed by Events Folder Folder 1000 Months Path People Places Structures Terrain Years
A Celebration of Joan, on our Anniversary.
We've been married for four years, but we've been a couple for a long time. Thought I'd post a few pictures.
It's 1998, and we're camped at Babcock State Park, in West Virginia's New River Gorge.
Tags: #0683 0600 1990s 1998 Babcock Babcock State Park Camera Campground Campsite Developed by Film Folder Folder 0000 Months N90 N90s Needs Rescan Negatives Nikon Nikon N90s Path Places Scanned Seattle Filmworks Seattle Filmworks (98) Seattle Filmworks Film September States Terrain Tree West Virginia Years
A Celebration of Joan, on our Anniversary.
We've been married for four years, but we've been a couple for a long time. Thought I'd post a few pictures.
It's 1995, here; and we're in DC, about to explore the Smithsonian.
Tags: District of Columbia DC Washington jpb August States Point & Shoot Ektachrome Film-Kodalux Processing Services Undated Scanned Minolta Family Slide Relatives 1995 #0713 Joan Building Museum 0700 1990s Camera Film Folder Folder 0000 Months Path People Places Structures Years
A Celebration of Joan, on our Anniversary.
We've been married for four years, but we've been a couple for a long time. Thought I'd post a few pictures.
It's September of 1999 and we're back in the New River Gorge at Babcock State Park. The tiny cabin was built by the CCC in the 30s, and remained in good condition. Like everything else about it, though, the kitchen was small.
Tags: Interior September Nikon Kitchen #0284 Building jpb Cottage Cabin Developed by Negatives 1999 Kodak Picture Processing Film Gold 800 Family Scanned Kodak N90 Nikon N90s N90s West Virginia Joan Relatives States Babcock State Park Babcock 0200 1990s Camera Folder Folder 0000 Months Path People Places Structures Years
A Celebration of Joan, on our Anniversary.
We've been married for four years, but we've been a couple for a long time. Thought I'd post a few pictures.
Here it's August of 1996, and my entire family's touring Northern Minnesota--Mom wanted to see Split Rock Light, so we took her there. Sad to report that on the day we reached the Light, the fog was so heavy we couldn't really show it to her.
This "beach" is at Tofte.
Tags: Minnesota Tofte Family States Relatives jpb August Slide Nikon N90s N90 Color Slide-Kodak Premium Processing N90s Undated Scanned Nikon 1996 Scanned from Slide #1112 Joan Lake Superior Great Lakes 1100 1990s Camera Film Folder Folder 1000 Months Path People Places Years