My first full year on Flickr and the New Year is about to ring out in Cambodia. My sincere thanks to everyone for your friendship and support over the past year. Thanks also to the very dedicated and talented staff at Flickr who keep the hamster wheel turning.
Happy New Year ! 🍸
Tags: #MyFlickrYear24 My Flick Year Kent Kruhoeffer Cambodia
After several months of almost daily rain, blue skies are slowly returning to Cambodia, as seen here in this capture of golden stupas taken at Khmuonh Pagoda.
Mr. Blue Sky! by ELO 💙
Tags: Khmuonh Pagoda Phnom Penh Cambodia pagoda temple stupa gold blue Buddhism
Love his spikey hair. 😁 He and a friend were feeding the fish when I walked by the temple pond last week. As always, he flashed a big smile and the peace sign. What a doll.
Tags: Wat Samroung Andet Phnom Penh Cambodia portrait peace boy pose smile kids
Cambodia is a tropical country, so leaves don't really change color in the Fall. Under this proud Water Lily in full bloom, there's a dead yellow leaf, so I will just pretend it's Autumn. 😁
Tags: flower Water Lily purple violet nature Wat Samroung Andet Phnom Penh Cambodia yellow leaf Autumn in Cambodia nymphaea pubescens pink
If Salvador Dali had a camera. 😁
Tags: Wat Samroung Andet Cambodia Phnom Penh reflection pagoda pond temple orange