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User / kirstiecat / Sets / Berlin
Kirstie Shanley / 39 items

N 113 B 6.6K C 18 E Aug 12, 2017 F Aug 17, 2017
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I never want to intrude on people and their enjoyment of life's moments. There seems to be far few happy moments these days. These two didn't see me so I didn't ruin their glee. This woman was especially happy to see photos of her and her companion which she's looking at and smiling toward. Those mirror neurons are something else. Even with all the craziness in the world, I managed to smile too.

**All photos are copyrighted. Please don't use without permission**

Tags:   Mirror neurons Berlin Germany Photobooth friends companions market Canon street Der Klomann

N 204 B 9.1K C 44 E Aug 11, 2017 F Aug 16, 2017
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I saw a really great night of feminist music on Friday, as suggested by my Flickr friend Oliver, who also takes shots of great bands!


I also met fellow photographer and Berlin based friend Steve Coppenbarger. His work is here.


I like to think, as Radiohead says, "Meeting People is Easy" I have never truly believed that but after meeting my friend Dennis Stempher last year in Utrecht, I thought it couldn't be so bad to meet others while on vacation in different countries.

This band is The Black Cheetahs and their website can be found here:


**All photos are copyrighted. Please don't use without permission**

Tags:   The Black Cheetahs Berlin Germany Meeting People is Easy Flickr Flickr friends concert music smoke cinematic vivid Canon people woman female femism feminist SO36 Sofia TK ICH BIN EIN BERLINER

N 145 B 19.6K C 25 E Aug 12, 2017 F Aug 12, 2017
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I had planned on posting one of my Prague / Praha photos next but this shot seemed more appropriate in light of what happened today in my country....hard to be on vacation and not hear about the horror of neo-Nazis getting violent against anti-racism demonstrators in Charlottesville, Virginia today.

It's not that I couldn't see this happening in my country. Of course, I didn't want to believe it but I think we've always had a huge problem. I try to tell myself that in any country of this enormous size, there are bound to be some very good people and some very deplorable people who are willing to commit acts of terrorism and murder against people in their own country because they are so committed to hateful ideology.

But, I also know we have an administration that actively sought out for it to be legal in many states for cars to hit protestors, who encourage hatred against anyone who isn't rich, white, male, and able bodied, and has cut funding for anti-hate programs. Some of this racism has laid slightly dormant below the surface for decades and comes from a long line of both "nature" (genetics) and "nurture" (or lack thereof as the ignorant raise the ignorant). We've also dumbed down our public education system and forced teachers to teach to the test not to teach kids to think for themselves.

Between the problems Trump has created between North Korea and the turmoil inherent now with poor Guam and now the threats to Venezuela...when is the crazy going to end. I'm not going to stop protesting myself but all Americans need to be out on the streets taking back their country. We cannot allow America to turn into a nazi regime. We have to fight back. It shouldn't be merely about resistance either. It should be about creating a kind, safe world filled with empathy for us all. Certainly, this world is Gegen Racism or Against Racism. A sign I posted a photo of many weeks ago at the Women's March rings a bell at the moment as well...I am not free when any human is not free. Freedom is an easy word to say and perhaps too easy as it has been used for too much propaganda. We must fight for the Liberty of all.

**All photos are copyrighted. Please don't use without permission**

Tags:   Gegen Racism Against Racism politics The Berlin Wall Berlin Germany sadness art street art mural Picha woman street Canon stranger beautiful stranger female Deutschland Resist Impeach Trump

N 131 B 13.0K C 32 E Aug 6, 2017 F Aug 8, 2017
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To be passing by The Berlin Wall is such an experience....we've been told about the history and the place for years but nothing compares to actually being there..it's a surreal sort of dream.

**All photos are copyrighted. Please don't use without permission**

Tags:   Berlin Berlin Wall East Side Gallery Germany child kid daughter flare surreal dream parent father mural art graffiti magical realism saturation colours colors life moment experience street Canon cinematic

N 167 B 10.5K C 39 E Aug 14, 2017 F Aug 25, 2017
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**All photos are copyrighted. Please don't use without permission**

Tags:   kids children Berlin Germany Europe energy cinematic happiness beautiful joy world moment feeling street Canon run running
