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User / kirstiecat / Sets / Belle and Sebastian
Kirstie / 8 items

N 102 B 7.6K C 13 E Jul 20, 2019 F Jul 23, 2019
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It was really lovely to hear Belle and Sebastian play all of If You're Feeling Sinister, a wonderful album.

In case you don't know the album, here's a link to the first track to see if you'd like it. It's basically quintessential Scottish twee/folk and let it play out. Let it grow on you...you'll be craving it before you know it.


More photos from this weekend at Pitchfork Music Festival here:


**All photos are copyrighted. Please don't use without permission**

Tags:   Belle and Sebastian Stuart Murdoch Scottish twee folk If You're Feeling SInister Stars of Track and Field band live concert music colors saturation keyboard musician fest festival Pitchfork Pitchfork Music Festival

N 86 B 6.5K C 25 E Apr 3, 2015 F Aug 25, 2016
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I'm a much bigger fan of Belle and Sebastian than Elvis Costello, I have to admit, though both musicians have amazing songs and catalogues. Stuart Murdoch reaches me on a completely different type of emotional level, though. I've been a Belle and Sebastian fan since my friend Josh gave me their cd Tigermilk after a trip to Scotland. That was in 1999 or maybe a little before, so I have been a fan for nearly 20 years. Here's a shot of Stuart Murdoch performing at the Riviera Theater in Chicago with the projection behind him. It's a more subtle shot because he's not dancing around like he can from time to time but it's a real sentimental shot for me and I love these lads looking out from the screen behind.


**All photos are copyrighted. Please don't use without permission**

Tags:   If you're Feeling Sinister Stuart Murdoch The Boy with the Arab Strap Riviera Theater Write About Love The Life Pursuit Dear Catastrophe Waitress Girls in Peacetime Want to Dance Fold Your Hands Child, You Walk Like a Peasant God Help the Girl Storytelling Scottish musician band live concert music projections boys lads Happy Birthday Belle and Sebastian show sold out Belle & Sebastian fox in the snow

N 30 B 7.8K C 15 E Jul 20, 2013 F Jul 21, 2013
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I've been a Belle and Sebastian fan since my friend Josh brought us a copy of Tigermilk when we were in college. That was in 1999 or so I believe. I'm also a big fan of lens flare and most of my shots have lens flare, which I am totally ok with.

More photos and a review here: www.bigtakeover.com/concerts/pitchfork-music-festival-201...

**All photos are copyrighted. Please don't use without permission**

Tags:   Stuart Murdoch Belle and Sebastian Pitchfork Music Festival Pfork Pitchfork music festival band live concert Scottish lastfm:event=3468747

N 24 B 11.2K C 27 E Oct 11, 2010 F Oct 12, 2010
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I won't lie. I was having a pretty terrible time last night. Even though the band was great, shooting at Chicago Theater was an absolute nightmare. I arrived an hour early to make sure everything was straight only to wait for an hour and pretty much be allowed in as the opener (Smiths Western, who I enjoy) was going on which increased my anxiety. I had some security guards telling me I could photograph from my press seat which was quite close only to be told 2 minutes before the fact that I had to shoot way from the sides. I know it shouldn't effect my enjoyment of a concert if I get crappy shots from way far away but it does. At Chicago Theater, they make you shoot from the worst angle so far that 300mm lenses don't even cut it. You'd need a 400mm at least to get anything decent. As soon as I started shooting, the audience all stood up to dance, completely blocking my angle. So, all that work for basically a fail.

Then, I get back to my purchased seat-roughly over $45 after charges and all that and there's a chick who is already intoxicated after three songs talking loudly with her friends for the entire set in the row in front of me. Normally, I would just move but there's not option to move at Chicago Theater. I thought about asking her politely to be quiet but she had way too many drinks for a civil and/or intelligent conversation. Even though she claimed Belle and Sebastian was one of her favorite bands, she also kept leaving to get more to drink. Finally, she was so intoxicated she couldn't even find her way back to her seat and we all watched as she roamed up and down the aisle.

So basically, at the end of the night, I was feeling a little aggravated-like I'd wasted my time and money even though Belle and Sebastian were really great and played so many of my favorite songs including The Stars of Track and Field, Sleep the Clock Around, and Judy and the Dream of Horses.

The one reassuring thing was that alot of my friends were there so I ended up hanging out after the show was over talking. Then, there was a random guy who came up to us to tell us Murdoch was out hanging around the corner from one of the side exits of Chicago Theater. For awhile, I stood there wondering what I should do. I have a difficult time asking for a portrait and a really difficult time the more I love the band.

Belle and Sebastian is one of those bands I started listening to 11-12 years ago when Tigermilk first came out. My friend Josh had just been to the UK and had brought over a burnt copy as it wasn't out here yet. I immediately fell in love with the music and even chose buying the Lazy Line Painter Jane boxset over groceries one week. So, there's alot of weight with this fan love.

Anyhow, I did ask him obviously and he joshed me around quite a bit because I told him I had tried to take live shots but it was too far away. He asked me if I wanted him to pretend he was on stage or something and that I did realize everyone would know this shot was from outside. It was pretty charming of him. Meanwhile, I was such a bundle of nerves..I doubt I was explaining anything very well at all, really.

If you haven't heard this band, please have a listen:


Review on Venus Zine here:


**All photos are copyrighted. Please don't use without permission**

Tags:   Belle and Sebastian Stuart Murdoch twee portrait Chicago Theater Scottish music band concert lastfm:event=1556123

N 117 B 4.2K C 14 E Jul 20, 2019 F Aug 25, 2019
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**All photos are copyrighted**

Tags:   Stuart Murdoch Happy Birthday band live concert music fesival Scottish Pitchfork light stage Belle and Sebastian If You're Feeling Sinister
