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User / kirstiecat / Sets / New York Kitty
Kirstie / 17 items

N 234 B 4.1K C 46 E Dec 29, 2022 F Jan 7, 2023
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I was very happy to discover the Pawsitive Café in Rochester, NY when I visited my family recently. Definitely stop by if you are in the area. All of the cats, including Yeti, can be adopted if they are not wearing a bowtie (those cats are already in the process of being adopted) and they have drinks, treats, and a nice cozy atmosphere. If I still lived in Rochester, I would definitely go there to adopt my next cat but as a guest visiting it was still nice to have some extra cat cuddles around Catmas. You never can have too many!


**All photos are copyrighted**

Tags:   polydactyl cat chat gato katzen gatti Caturday kitty Pawsitive Cat cafe Cat cafe Rochester New York Kitty feline felinus

N 189 B 3.5K C 28 E Apr 13, 2022 F May 14, 2022
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Tags:   kitty katzen chat gato gatti ginger cat Street cat feline felinus Caturday

N 186 B 3.6K C 39 E Apr 13, 2022 F Apr 30, 2022
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**All photos are copyrighted**

Tags:   kitty chat gato katzen trees tabby tabby cat feline felinus gatti Caturday

N 256 B 4.1K C 39 E Jul 10, 2021 F Aug 21, 2021
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No matter where I am walking, I am always looking in the windows of nearby houses to see if I can spot a cat. It makes me so happy.

**All photos are copyrighted**

Tags:   Caturday kittye felinus feline New York Kitty NYC NY New York New York City cat window home America US USA United States katzen gato gatti chat gata cot the cat who turned on and off

N 227 B 7.6K C 42 E Jul 9, 2021 F Aug 14, 2021
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Cat lovers often are the kindest and gentlest people. I met this older couple in Brooklyn and this is their cat, Star. There was an older woman who lives with Star who told me she was very concerned because Star is quite old and she had her father and her father was showing the same kinds of behaviors before he passed away.

There's a really strong connection between pet lovers when we talk about loss of a pet. It really is something that almost surpasses what humans are capable of enduring...the suffering we feel when a pet we love and cherishes dies. I could feel the woman I spoke to preparing for this mentally but also having that internal conflict of wanting to enjoy the time she had left without the depression already setting in.

I talked to this human for quite a bit and was told about how Star's father cat was so smart that he used the toilet instead of the litter box and how Star has to have special food and treats. We cat lovers pick up on little nuances particular to each personality and we treasure them as if they are individual gifts (because they are!)

Anyway, I couldn't tell if the man in the photo was the woman's son or partner. I had the impression when I was speaking to her below where the man and Star were standing in this shot that she was the kind of human that appreciated a conversation more than a photograph and it was just nice to have that moment. Sometimes, you have to remind yourself that there are other ways of collecting memories and sometimes words (too many words in this case as I'm rambling) can serve a purpose. I've made a note to revisit the image of her in my mind mentally but, within that image, is not merely a woman but a woman who loves cats and all those felines she's adored who've adored her back.

Have a nice Caturday.

This photo is for Jamie, a friend to all cats in the world. His photostream is here:


**All photos are copyrighted***

Tags:   cat chat gato katzen gatti felinus feline Caturday cot kitty gata NYC New York City NY America US USA United States Brooklyn street man cat lover Calico Calico cat
