It has a gas-filled bladder (pneumatophore) that floats on the surface and long tentacles that hang below. The pneumatophore is typically blue or purple.
Portuguese Man 'o War
It is a marine organism that floats on the ocean's surface and comprises a golden-brown central float and blue tentacles. The tentacles have stinging cells that can cause skin irritation.
They release waste through their mouth. They are found in various locations, including Florida. The color of th tentacles can vary from blue to green. They are not deadly to humans, but stings can occur.
The NOAA website says the Portuguese man o' war is a species of siphonophore, which are closely related to jellyfish. It also states the man o' war got its name from its resemblance to an 18th-century Portuguese warship under full sail
Their tentacles will give Humans a very bad sting that leaves a painful reaction to the skin.
Tags: Man 'o War M is for... Destin beach