Here it it comes...up over the hill!
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Tags: Indianola, Iowa National Balloon Festival balloons hot air balloons vanhookc Indianola Balloon Festival Iowa
Teamwork shows the spirit of the sport!
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Tags: Indianola, Iowa National Balloon Festival balloons hot air balloons teamwork vanhookc Indianola Balloon Festival Iowa
Where's Bob? He's wearing a black Tennessee hat in an Iowa crowd! Never mind, he is out of sight! I got our son's leg under the tent. See them?
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Tags: Indianola, Iowa National Balloon Festival Where's Bob? vanhookc Indianola Balloon Festival Iowa
What a beautiful evening!
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Tags: Indianola, Iowa National Balloon Festival balloons hot air balloons vanhookc Indianola Balloon Festival Iowa
What a fabulous balloon event! The National Balloon Festival offers competition, cash prizes, night glow, balloon rides for the daring, and "touch and feel" the balloons for the kids!
This was amazing! Thousands of spectators watched the display in the sky, ate the good, greasy food, and oohed and awed as the balloons all lit the sky at dark!
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Tags: dailyphoto09 project 366-1 project 365 2009 Indianola, Iowa National Balloon Festival balloons hot air balloons vanhookc Indianola Balloon Festival Iowa