Tags: violin player mountain sound of music sketch ink sketch Think Ink Intober
Our friends have a son who is masterful on the rapids. He went to the Jr. Olympics in Poland. Someday, he'll be a world Olympic champion!
I guess you might say, I used artistic freedom, or creative liberty, to create my old timey camera box of the 1920s in the fashion of the Kodak box camera AND I added a flashcube which was ever so popular in my younger days of the 1960s! What a bother and expense those little cubes were. Folks today might not even know what these are or how they worked. Of course, the folks of the 1920s had no idea either.
But with creative freedom, my camera has caught a big fish in action! He is supposed to look very distressed by the camera flash!!!
Tags: camera flashcube fish jumping water scene inktober Think Ink artistic freedom creative liberty
This is a WWII letter from a soldier to his girl back home. They wrote every day! Receiving a letter kept them happy, though miles apart. In this letter, the soldier was already calling her "wife!" This would happen soon! But first, he was on duty to help a HUGE number of soldiers transfer to civilian life as the war ended. All he really wanted was to be home and get married.
These sweethearts raised three children, eight grandchildren, and eighteen great-grandchildren. They celebrated a happy 76th wedding anniversary. This soldier recently passed and his wife a year earlier. He would have been 99 on Oct. 9. He and his bride are still together, resting in eternal peace.
Tags: inktober letter writing binoculars
This is the journal entry for a visit to Why Not Junction that goes with the sketched passport from earlier this month! Passport: flic.kr/p/2qmjwz4
Tags: Inktober Think Ink journal imaginary place journaling storytelling