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User / Martin M. Miles / Sets / Medieval Apes and Monkeys
Martin / 163 items

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The carved head of a monkey - or maybe an ape. The carving are is different in style and material from the surrounding capitals. I could not find out, how much "restaurantion" was done here in the late 19th century. This carving seems to be much older. It may - like some others - originate from an older structure - and reused here.

Tags:   Saint-Guilhem-le-Désert Abbey Gellone Hérault Languedoc-Roussillon monkey Via Tolosana Tolosana GR653 St. Jaques St. James moyen-age middle-ages Mittelalter France

N 3 B 1.2K C 2 E Jul 31, 2010 F Sep 30, 2010
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The monastery St. Gilles, founded within the 7th century. A hermit lived here - with a hind. After Visigothic King Wamba had injured this hind during a hunt, he founded a monastry. St. Gilles was the first abbot there. St. Gilles was one of the most popular saints in medieval times,
pilgrims flocked to his tomb in the crypt - and continued to Santiago from here. St. Gilles today is still one of the Fourteen Holy Helpers.

During the Wars of Religion the abbey and the church were totally destroyed and burnt down, what was in 1562. 1622 the campanile got demolished. After that only the crypt, part of the clocher, some eastern walls of the choir existed.

The portal, which reminds on roman Triumph-arches, got demolished after the french revolution, - but puzzled together again within the 19th century, with material found all around. The precise knowledge about many details was lost, so in some parts it still is an unfinshed puzzle.
For sure some parts are still missing - and this is visible. Probably different masters have worked here, as there are different styles in carving on this portal.

Here some pretty exotic animals.

A skinny dromedary to the right and two monkeys in chains on the left. The carver had a very creative idea: one leg of the monkey in the middle reaches over the frame.

Behind them (this is a "3D-puzzle") a bust sculpture of a saint. Maybe this is only the top part of a "full" figure - and the second part is lost. It is placed so far in the background, that I do not believe, that this is the original place. Though there are letters on the nimbus, I could not find out the name of the saint.

Tags:   St. Gilles Gard Languedoc-Roussillon monkey dromedary Via Tolosana Tolosana GR653 St. Jaques St. James moyen-age Mittelalter middle-ages France

N 0 B 718 C 0 E Aug 2, 2010 F Oct 1, 2010
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The well preserved and fortified little town of La Couvertoirade was once built up and established by the Knights Templar. Following their dissolution in 1312, the property was taken by the Knights of St John ("Military Order of Malta") who had the still existing wall around the town built between 1439 and 1450. The town was never taken, it withstood the dreadful "Grandes compagnies", groups of "free lancers", raiding and looting and later the Huguenots. But over the centuries it lost it´s population. Today less that 200 people live here, mostly gifted artists, waiting for the tourists, walking through this perfect open air museum.

Second time within months, that I find a corbel with a monkey.
Both times it was raining. See his wet collegue in Pontevedra.


Tags:   La Couvertoirade fortified town Knights Templar Order of Malta corbel monkey Aveyron Midi-Pyrénées moyen-age middle-ages Mittelalter France

N 2 B 1.7K C 3 E Apr 9, 2010 F Jan 10, 2011
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The capitals in the Basilica Notre-Dame-Du-Port are very elaborate. On some of them even a signature (ROTBERTUS) could be found.

This capital, perfectly carved, differs thematically.
It depicts an ape - on a rope, led a man. I have seen a couple of carved monkeys and apes before, but never such a giant creature with such a threatening facial expression. This ape is at least as tall as the man on the side, probably taller, as the ape is bending his knees The ape seen here is probably a symbol for the evil, a creature from hell, - but the evil here is under control of the man.

Tags:   Clermont-Ferrand Notre-Dame-du-Port capital monkey ape evil Auvergne Puy-de-Dôme 63 romanesque romain romanisch France

N 0 B 1.9K C 2 E Mar 1, 2010 F Jan 12, 2011
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The Basilica Saint-Julien in Brioude was a collegiate church constructed between 1100 - 1180. The structure is influenced by great romanesque churches like "Notre-Dame-Du-Port" in Clermont-Ferrand (70kms north) or "Saint-Austremoine" in Issoire (30kms north), planned and constructed within the same century.

Under the roof of the one of the five apse chapels are many corbels. Here are two, depicting - ape and man, a theme, that can be find on a capital in "Notre-Dame-Du-Port" as well. Note the vivid and wild expression of the monkey´s face, both small hands lifted up. He is really trying to frighten the spectator. Quite different compared to the stoic looking man.

Tags:   Brioude Saint-Julien corbel monkey ape man Auvergne Haute-Loire 43 romanesque romain romanisch France
