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User / Matthias Rabiller / Sets / Fomapan 100
Matthias Rabiller / 143 items

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Frankfurt builds skyscrapers, Pin Balma goes for suburban housing, bulldozers are on the job.

Minolta SRT 101 and Rokkor 55mm f/1.7, Fomapan 100 in Rodinal 1+50 for 13 min @ 20°C, digitalized with the kit tele zoom on extension rings.

Thank you everyone for your visits, faves and comments, they are always appreciated :)

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At the construction site of the Frankfurt Four towers (www.4frankfurt.de/en/home/). I don't know what these huge machines - they dwarfed any regular excavator - were for, but they sure were impressive.

Minolta SRT 101 and Rokkor 55mm f/1.7, Fomapan 100 in Rodinal 1+50 for 13 min @ 20°C, digitalized with the kit tele zoom on extension rings.

Thank you everyone for your visits, faves and comments, they are always appreciated :)

I make myself a rule of publishing only pictures I honestly think their subjects would like. However, if you'd rather not see yourself here, let me know and I'll remove the image from my stream.

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A worker sorting out metal on the construction site of the Winx Tower (winxtower.com) which looks fairly close to completion

Asahi Pentax Spotmatic and Takumar 55mm f/1.8, Fomapan 100 in Rodinal 1+50 for 13 min @ 20°C, digitalized with the kit tele zoom on extension rings.

Thank you everyone for your visits, faves and comments, they are always appreciated :)

I make myself a rule of publishing only pictures I honestly think their subjects would like. However, if you'd rather not see yourself here, let me know and I'll remove the image from my stream.

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Saturday I got to spend an hour on errands in town before going to cinema. I was expecting the usual sunny winter saturday, but it turned out to be very agitated. A demonstration against the infamous Article 13, some kind of youtuber driven brawl on the Zeil (I found out about that one this morning), a demonstration against nazi networks within the Hessian police and whoever covers them up. Well, for sure, there was no lack of police. I can't remember ever seeing so many in Frankfurt. A little summary can be found here: www.journal-frankfurt.de/journal_news/Panorama-2/Grossdem...

I had brought my recently acquired Praktica (the original one from 1949). With its waist-level viewfinder, it proved as good as I hoped for that kind of setting, but the stiff focus ring on the 35mm Revuenon and its constant switching back to auto aperture were rather ennoying, leading to many badly overexposed images with plenty of open aperture "dreaminess". I'm sure with the Takumar 35 f/3.5, it will be a much nicer experience.

Praktica with a Revuenon 35mm f/2.8 @ f/2.8, Fomapan 100 in Rodinal 1+50 for 11 min @ 20°C, digitalized using kit zoom with macro rings.

Thank you everyone for your visits, faves and comments, they are always appreciated :)

I make myself a rule of publishing only pictures I honestly think their subjects would like. However, if you'd rather not see yourself here, let me know and I'll remove the image from my stream.

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Yet another bit of the old crane on display along the Main river

Asahi Pentax Spotmatic & Takumar 55mm f/2 (somwehere between f/2 and f/4), Fomapan 100 in Rodinal 1+50 for 10 minutes at 21,5°C. A bit over what it should need, but I wanted to process a roll of Agfa APX 100 at the same time. Anyways, who says Takumar Lenses do not deserve their good name?

Thank you everyone for your visits, faves and comments, they are always appreciated :)
