I got the opportunity to shoot a roll of HP5 on a Seagull 4a. My first dip into medium format. Nice camera, actually. Maybe i really should have kept it. Oh well, it has found a very good home.
Seagull 4a and Ilford HP5 in Rodinal 1+50 at 20°C for whatever time Ilford recommends for it. Cyrille (flic.kr/ps/7FTAf) did the scanning for me (thanks again), and had trouble with the film curling up pretty badly so the scans do not look anywhere as sharp as the actual negatives are.
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A husband & Wife team who regularly sell selected pretty old things at the flea market. They had a bunch of folding cameras in that day's selection. Nice ones, but 127 is in tight supply, and glass plates are not really (yet?) my thing... in any case, it was nice meeting you guys!
Zeiss Ikonta 521 (6x4.5 format). Following Pierre's suggestion (thanks again, Pierre!) I arranged, I made myself a piece of groundglass, which allowed me to better adjust the its focus. Still, for portraits, accurately guessing distance is challenging. Maybe someday I'll get my hands on a coupled rangefinder folding... The photo was made with HP5 developped in Rodinal 1+50 for 13 minutes @ 20°C, the negative was digitalized with kit zoom on extension rings using a custom made negative holder.
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I make myself a rule of publishing only pictures I honestly think their subjects would like. However, if you'd rather not see yourself here, let me know and I'll remove the image from my stream.
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And I finally did it - I got myself a TLR. I'm now the proud owner of a Seagull 4A. Aside of some issues with cold weather, it's a nice camera. I met that very affectionate cat on the street in Lormes, I just had to have a picture of her.
Seagull 4A, HP5 in Rodinal 1+50 for 13 minutes @ 20°C, digitalized with kit zoom on extension rings using a custom made negative holder.
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"Here lies Pierre Boussard, Captain and knight of the Royal order of the Légion d'Honneur, born on the 25 9ber 1789, died on 17 9ber 1844. He has been brave soldier. Good friend. Excellent parent. Honnest citizen. He took with him the regrets of his friend Re[dot]. Respect. The gratitude [..]"
The cemetary in Lormes shoud have a fabulous view on the Morvan... which turns out to be hidden by a line of trees. Some tombs date to quite a while back, romantics would have loved it. Aside of that epitaph, I have no idea who Pierre Boussard was.
Seagull 4A, HP5 in Rodinal 1+50 for 13 minutes @ 20°C, digitalized with kit zoom on extension rings using a custom made negative holder.
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Aptly named.
Seagull 4A, HP5 in Rodinal 1+50 for 13 minutes @ 20°C, digitalized with kit zoom on extension rings using a custom made negative holder.
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