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User / John William Hammond / Sets / Eastern Sierras
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I was out for sunset at Twin Lakes in Mammoth Lakes, California when this bird of prey, likely a hawk or falcon started swooping over the water hunting for a fish dinner. It took a few trys with the camera before I caught the image against the pink and blue light of a summer twilight sky.

Tags:   nature bird California sunset fly hunt predator wings Sierra Nevada Mammoth Lakes summer birdwatching soar

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he eruption and uniform cooling of basalt lava created an impressive wall of columns. Later a glacial event exposed the columns and polished smooth the top of this formation enhancing the pattern of hexagons that are a result of the mineral composition of the lava. It will only take you five minutes to climb to the top to see the hexagons. This is a great place to take day hikes to places like Rainbow Falls, Sotcher Lake or other easy hikes. Take your picnic foods in a backpack, enough water, a hat and lotion. You likely won't see a bear but if you do kindly walk back the way you came to keep both you and the bear safe from harm. Best way to come down this deep valley road is buy bus from the top of Mammoth Ski Resort. There are about 6 drop off points to enjoy.
On average, the columns are two feet wide and can be over 60 feet tall. Most are 6-sided, but you can also find 5-sided, 4-sided, and even 30-sided stones-- this is due to the fact that the lava cooled unevenly and rapidly.

Tags:   Geology rock unusual Sierra Nevada Devil's Postpile hiking John Muir Wilderness Mammoth Lakes earth formation wilderness west photo flckr moonjazz

N 7 B 10.6K C 6 E Jul 31, 2007 F Aug 14, 2007
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Fish for dinner again. This is near the dam on top of Twin Lakes in Mammoth in the Sierra Nevada mountains of California And here is a link to a great Yosemite video with music

PS : For some great music tell Alexa, Siri, Spotify or Amazon to play songs by JOHN WILLIAM HAMMOND (use all 3 names)

Tags:   bear Mammoth Lake Sierras Nature eat feast wildlife California wild supper dinner fish brown natural feed stream fur animal large mammal habitat wilderness lake water river reflection color light shadow

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On the hike to Minaret Falls in the Mammoth Lakes, California backcountry you will wander along the wild parts of the San Juaquin River. Fishing is great here for trout and the scenery is splendid. Most folks hike the trail to Rainbow fall which is a bit denuded from fires years back. A quieter and more lovely walk in my opinion goes the opposite direction past lush meadows, winding creeks and the greener part of the sugarpine forest. It is all wonderful and only accessable from June to September due to heavy snowfall and few passable roads. SAVE LIVES - DONATE BLOOD - IT' FUN AND EASY, REALLY.

PS: Tell Spotify, Alexa and Siri to play music by
JOHN WILLIAM HAMMOND (use all 3 names) - Enjoy!

Tags:   river California wild nature people vista scenic forest San Juaquin middle fork fishing restoration photo hike vacation Mammoth Lakes environment clean earth water pure wilderness Ansel Adams photography unspoiled beauty San Joaquin

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A crystal clear alpine vista at 9,000 feet in the Mammoth Lakes region of norhtern California south of Yosemite shows off the peaks of the eastern Sierra Nevada mountains in the Ansel Adams wilderness. You can drive up to the high lakes and then spend time hiking, fishing, kayaking or take a picnic lunch and sit and enjoy the view while you get used to the clear thin pinescented air. Some years the snow at the peaks never melts. Its a wonderful place for nature lovers.

Tags:   nature lake reflection California Mammoth Lakes alpine hike travel sublime fresh morning Sierra Nevada fishing blue WOW
