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User / John William Hammond / Sets / Freedom
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This is a post from near the beginning of covid, as of 2023 wearing a mask is no longer a big issue unless you have special health issues. Before that the bad covid years were a trying time for everyone and small and large common sense sacrifices needed to be made just like in wartime or other times of crises. Thanks you to all good folks who had the good sense and kind curtesy to mask up for the good of all It was so easy and wise and helped to keeps us and our kids safer and stronger just like putting on your seat belt when you drive. Stopping at a red light or being kind and friendly. It's not about politics for some it can and did mean life or death. Blessings and be good. You are all lights for each other. - Here is a link to a fun and inspirational photography with music flic.kr/p/2kB7q7Y

Tags:   Patriot flag great heath citizenship caring love Sense united together children flckr Covid-19 United States helping Common Sense sacrifice strong Americans unitiy smart community kind health wisdom men nude sexy mask inspiration safe germs respect country American values intelligent crisis positive one MAGA Democrat Republican Independent women seniors teachers doctors facts truth winner people courage USA

N 31 B 10.2K C 9 E Jan 20, 2020 F Jan 16, 2021
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A hero for all time was willing to sacrifice his life for justice, human rights, dignity and stood for love, compassion, non-violent change and freedom for all. Martin Luther King, he was not a saint just an ordinary man with faults like you and me who would no longer keep silent about the injustices in society that needed changing. Its proper that his life is celebrated in song and school and he wants all to help keep the dream alive for justice, love and human dignity. HE ASKS US TO LEND A HAND TO OTHERS AND ACT WITH COURAGE, COMPASSION AN LOVE. SPEAK UP BUT WITH NON VIOLENT ACTS AND RESPECT FOR ALL..

Tags:   Justice Freedom Civil Rights compassion hero brave Martin Luther King MLK march Human rights leader USA African American race equality dignity change Non-violence people love struggle children education America United State sacrifice dreamer ideas peace man angel history famous important wise inspiring art I Have a Dream Black History leaders Nobel Prize inspirational American

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Enjoy a bit of living history when you visit California's state capitol. After touring the Capitol building and grounds. Take in old town just a mile away on the Riverfront. Most of the buildings even with the tourist trappings give off the flavor of life in 1850 just before the gold rush. On summer weekend enjoy free shows of Irish dancers or melodramas with period costumes from the gold rush era.
It's a great walking place. A one mile stroll takes you over the river and the city's famous bridge. Enjoy a ride on the riverboat or sit outside and feel the delta breeze at night. The most famous attraction is the train museum. After that take in Fort Sutter or drive and walk in the homes of the fabulous forties with shady streets and a neighborhood that is a preservation of building styles from 1940s, and fifties. If you come in summer stay hydrated and enjoy the air conditioning at the train museum on the 95 plus days. A great town for visitors that want to see a different side of California life.

Tags:   history living California protest Sacramento flag old town park state tourist attraction costumes western

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Have some ice cream and keep cool this summer. She likes vanilla just like I do and was enjoying the picnic activities at a pre fireworks event.

Tags:   red white blue patriot American holiday picnic sweet ice cream vanilla cone youth festival celebration treat summer stars strips america African-American food sugar sweets yummy satisfied 4th July USA Independence Day

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In general this is not my blog but so many people are made to feel powerless over the course of history when we really need to get off our butts and use the power we own in this democracy.
I wont tell you how to vote , its pretty easy to tell Im a Democrat but sometimes an independent too. I hope we see some real change but either way get up and VOTE. peace , love and blessings.

Tags:   voting hope power people democracy positive message change encourage better world USA elections energy individuals making a difference wisdom
