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User / Nick and Karen Munroe / Sets / SPRING
Munroe Photography / 295 items

N 108 B 4.3K C 37 E Mar 25, 2018 F Mar 26, 2018
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Nestled In The Forest...

The first warm days of spring are always the best, the air is filled with the scent of fresh earth, the sound of the wind in the bare tree tops clapping the branches together; making a clicking sound and the distant sound of a wood pecker banging hollowly away at a tree trunk..all add to the wonderfulness of the whole experience.

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Tags:   spring Karen and Nick MUNROE KAREN MUNROE Karen landscape ONTARIO OUTDOORS Brampton Brampton Ontario Ontario Canada NIKON Nick and Karen Nick and Karen MUNROE KARENICK23 Karenick Karen and Nick MUNROE NATURE NICK D750 Nikon D750 NIKON 14-24 F2.8 14-24 14-24 F2.8 MUNROE DESIGNS photography MUNROE photoghrpahy canada nick munroe MUNROE designs photography MUNROE photography munroe Nick Landscapes BEAUTY brilliant Black and white B & W Black & white B and W Monochrome mono Forest forests TREES TREE trail HIKE hiking WOODS pine trees

N 81 B 5.7K C 21 E Mar 25, 2018 F Mar 27, 2018
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Light Finds A Way....

The first warm days of spring are always the best, the air is filled with the scent of fresh earth, the sound of the wind in the bare tree tops clapping the branches together; making a clicking sound and the distant sound of a wood pecker banging hollowly away at a tree trunk..all add to the wonderfulness of the whole experience.

as we were traversing up the hill that leads us to the lake the sun broke through the tree tops in a million shards of brilliant light.

Thank you for visiting for marking my photo as a favourite and for the kind comments,

Please do not copy my image or use it on websites, blogs or other media without my express permission.


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Tags:   sunlight sunburst sun sunshine Star burst colour colours color colors spring Karen and Nick MUNROE KAREN MUNROE Karen landscape ONTARIO OUTDOORS Brampton Brampton Ontario Ontario Canada NIKON Nick and Karen Nick and Karen MUNROE KARENICK23 Karenick Karen and Nick MUNROE NATURE NICK D750 Nikon D750 NIKON 14-24 F2.8 14-24 14-24 F2.8 NIKON 24-70 F2.8 24-70 24-70 F2.8 MUNROE DESIGNS photography MUNROE photoghrpahy canada nick munroe MUNROE designs photography MUNROE photography munroe Nick Landscapes BEAUTY brilliant heart lake conservation area heart lake conservation heart lake Park heart lake conservation area conservation

N 66 B 4.6K C 18 E Mar 25, 2018 F Mar 29, 2018
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A Walk In The Woods....

The first warm days of spring are always the best, the air is filled with the scent of fresh earth, the sound of the wind in the bare tree tops clapping the branches together; making a clicking sound and the distant sound of a wood pecker banging hollowly away at a tree trunk..all add to the wonderfulness of the whole experience.

as we crested the hill the lake became visible through the clearing...

Thank you for visiting for marking my photo as a favourite and for the kind comments,

Please do not copy my image or use it on websites, blogs or other media without my express permission.


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Tags:   heart lake conservation area heart lake conservation heart lake Park heart lake conservation area conservation colour colours color colors spring Karen and Nick MUNROE KAREN MUNROE Karen landscape ONTARIO OUTDOORS Brampton Brampton Ontario Ontario Canada NIKON Nick and Karen Nick and Karen MUNROE KARENICK23 Karenick Karen and Nick MUNROE NATURE NICK D750 Nikon D750 NIKON 14-24 F2.8 14-24 14-24 F2.8 NIKON 24-70 F2.8 24-70 24-70 F2.8 MUNROE DESIGNS photography MUNROE photoghrpahy canada nick munroe MUNROE designs photography MUNROE photography munroe Nick Landscapes BEAUTY brilliant

N 83 B 5.3K C 31 E Mar 25, 2018 F Mar 30, 2018
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The Light Will Lead You Out...

The first warm days of spring are always the best, the air is filled with the scent of fresh earth, the sound of the wind in the bare tree tops clapping the branches together; making a clicking sound and the distant sound of a wood pecker banging hollowly away at a tree trunk..all add to the wonderfulness of the whole experience.

A brilliant burst of sunlight lit our path; showing us the way out of the forest to the open fields ahead.

Thank you for visiting for marking my photo as a favourite and for the kind comments,

Please do not copy my image or use it on websites, blogs or other media without my express permission.


You can contact me
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Tags:   MUNROE DESIGNS MUNROE photography MUNROE photoghrpahy landscape ONTARIO OUTDOORS canada nick munroe nick and karen munroe nick MUNROE designs photography MUNROE photography munroe Nick karen Landscapes Ontario Canada BEAUTY brilliant heart lake conservation area heart lake conservation heart lake Park heart lake conservation area conservation sunlight sunburst sun sunshine Star burst colour colours color colors spring Karen and Nick KAREN MUNROE Brampton Brampton Ontario NIKON Nick and Karen KARENICK23 Karenick Karen and Nick MUNROE NATURE D750 Nikon D750 NIKON 14-24 F2.8 14-24 14-24 F2.8

N 26 B 1.4K C 19 E May 20, 2017 F Aug 13, 2017
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Spring Problems........

Spring time is full of possibilities, the trees that were dormant are now in full bloom. after a long cold winter the Tree celebrate with an expulsion of bright colours unfurling bright green leaves and push forth in beautiful big white blossoms.

Even our lawns get into the act and green grass pushes up with renewed vigour... then suddenly the dreaded dandelion rears its ugly head and poof your beautiful lawn is now covered in weeds. What are we supposed to do... take photos of them. That is what.

Thank you for visiting for marking my photo as a favourite and for the kind comments,

Please do not copy my image or use it on websites, blogs or other media without my express permission.


You can contact me
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Tags:   Nikon 14-24 F2.8 14-24 F2.8 14-24 Nikkor 14-24 F 2.8 grass lawn verdant green colours colou spring weed weeds dandelions dandelion Canada Ontario Canada Brampton Ontario Ontario Brampton karenick karenick23 MUNROE designs MUNROE designs photography MUNROE photography d750 nikon d750 nikon nick nick and Karen nick Munroe nick and Karen Munroe MUNROE karen MUNROE karen and nick karen and nick munroe
