Spring In The Ching...
When it is too cold outside and winter has turned everything in sight to a dull grey and sullen skies hang heavy overhead. i like to go to the Brampton arboretum at Chinguacousy Park and wander the isles of tropical flowers and plants... where for a brief but awesome time i am in the tropics and yet the climate outside is still forlorn and uninviting.
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Tags: Brampton arboretum at Chinguacousy Park Chinguacousy Park Brampton arboretum at Chinguacousy Chinguacousy KARENICK23 Karenick Karen and Nick MUNROE Karen and Nick MUNROE KAREN MUNROE Karen Nick and Karen Nick and Karen MUNROE NICK nick munroe munroe Nick MUNROE DESIGNS photography MUNROE photoghrpahy MUNROE designs photography NATURE landscape Brampton Brampton Ontario ONTARIO Ontario Canada OUTDOORS canada D750 Nikon D750 NIKON Bokeh blur MACRO up close close up
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My Lilies Are Exploding...
The lilies in our backyard are blooming and exploding with colour. this is the first time in a several years that the pink lilies have bloomed,.we thought they had died off and only the yellow lilies were left... but much to our surprise they came back this year. never give up hope. nature finds a way.
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Tags: lilies nature flowers lily BEAUTY BRAMPTON BEAUTIFUL brilliant PINK black in the back NIKON NICK MUNROE Nick and Karen MUNROE NIKON 24-70 F2.8 Nick and Karen Nikon D750 KARENICK23 Karenick Karen and Nick MUNROE KAREN MUNROE Karen and Nick MUNROE designs photography MUNROE DESIGNS MUNROE photography MUNROE CANADA COLOUR COLOR colors close up MICRO Nikon MICRO MACRO up close Bokeh
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Spring In The Ching..
When it is too cold outside and winter has turned everything in sight to a dull grey and sullen skies hang heavy overhead. i like to go to the Brampton arboretum at Chinguacousy Park and wander the isles of tropical flowers and plants... where for a brief but awesome time i am in the tropics and yet the climate outside is still forlorn and uninviting.
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Tags: Chinguacousy Chinguacousy Park ching spring bloom blooming flowering flower flowers plant plants blooms flower town Brampton arboretum at Chinguacousy Park Brampton arboretum at Chinguacousy KARENICK23 Karenick Karen and Nick MUNROE Karen and Nick MUNROE KAREN MUNROE Karen Nick and Karen Nick and Karen MUNROE NICK nick munroe munroe Nick MUNROE DESIGNS photography MUNROE photoghrpahy MUNROE designs photography NATURE landscape Brampton Brampton Ontario ONTARIO Ontario Canada OUTDOORS canada D750 Nikon D750 NIKON NIKON 24-70 F2.8 24-70 24-70 F2.8 Nikon 24-70 NIKON F2.8 F2.8 colour colours color colors
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Thank you for visiting for marking my photo as a favourite and for the kind comments,.
Please do not copy my image or use it on websites, blogs or other media without my express permission.
You can contact me @ karenick23@yahoo.com munroedesignsphotography@gmail.com or on Facebook @ www.facebook.com/MunroeDesignsPhotography
Tags: vr nikon f28 105afsedg trees brampton chinguacousy beauty nature leaves fall greenhouse tropical garden
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Born To Run...
This young Foal is ready and rearing to go. he was prancing and jumping and hurling himself all over the paddock. Boundless energy in every hop skip and jump. Mamma horse was too busy eating hay to pay any attention to his antics. i managed to fire off a few shots and captured his motion in this photo. .
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You can contact me
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munroephotographic@gmail.com munroedesignsphotography@gmail.com
or on Facebook @
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Tags: colt foal horse Chinguacousy Park Chinguacousy KARENICK23 Karenick Karen and Nick MUNROE Karen and Nick MUNROE KAREN MUNROE Karen Nick and Karen Nick and Karen MUNROE NICK nick munroe munroe Nick MUNROE DESIGNS photography MUNROE photoghrpahy MUNROE designs photography NATURE landscape Brampton Brampton Ontario ONTARIO Ontario Canada OUTDOORS canada D750 Nikon D750 NIKON NIKON 24-70 F2.8 24-70 24-70 F2.8 Nikon 24-70 NIKON F2.8 F2.8 Black and white B & W Black & white B and W Monochrome mono
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