Its The Little Things..
Last weekend we went to Heart lake to check out the fall colours. they had just started turning and i think we were a bit early. we will try again next week.
As we walked up the hill to our left we noticed Mushrooms growing on the top of a tree stump, the light hit them in that certain way that catches your eye. making them look extra Ordinary..
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Tags: explored explore mushroom mushrooms fungus fungi parasite heart lake conservation area heart lake conservation heart lake Park heart lake conservation area conservation forest tree trees woods hike trail hiking forests wood natural fall autumn fall splendor fall colours KARENICK23 Karenick Karen and Nick MUNROE Karen and Nick MUNROE KAREN MUNROE Karen Nick and Karen Nick and Karen MUNROE NICK nick munroe munroe Nick MUNROE DESIGNS photography MUNROE photoghrpahy MUNROE designs photography NATURE landscape Brampton Brampton Ontario ONTARIO Ontario Canada OUTDOORS canada D750 Nikon D750 NIKON NIKON 24-70 F2.8 24-70 24-70 F2.8 Nikon 24-70 NIKON F2.8 F2.8 colour colours color colors green
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Winter Sun.. (EXPLORED)
Last February the Winter had has been brutal; strong winds, ice , rain, freezing rain., snow, and just ridiculously cold weather.
In the park near my house the snow has been blowing like sand making the field as smooth as glass all the way to the old stone wall..
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Tags: in EXPLORE EXPLORED explore Snow snow fall snow storm snowy WINTRY WINTER WINTER WONDERLAND WINTER FOG winterscape KARENICK23 Karenick Karen and Nick MUNROE Karen and Nick MUNROE KAREN MUNROE Karen Nick and Karen Nick and Karen MUNROE NICK nick munroe munroe Nick MUNROE DESIGNS photography MUNROE photoghrpahy MUNROE designs photography NATURE landscape Brampton Brampton Ontario ONTARIO Ontario Canada OUTDOORS canada D750 Nikon D750 NIKON NIKON 24-70 F2.8 24-70 24-70 F2.8 Nikon 24-70 NIKON F2.8 F2.8 colour colours color colors
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Shelter On a Cold Windy Tuesday ... (EXPLORED)
Tuesday was a strange day, as the last week has been unseasonably warm and sunny; Tuesday was cold and windy, with thick rain clouds threatening us from above.
We found ourselves at Island Lake In Orangeville hiking the well groomed trails that surround the lake.
At the northern edge of the park are perfectly planted rows of pine trees. that are carefully groomed and maintained beautifully. I had some fun with the Motion Blur tool on this shot.
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Tags: explore in EXPLORE EXPLORED motion blur motion island lake island lake conservation area orangeville reservoiur manmade lake kettle lake glacier lake orangviille ontario orangeville credit valley watershed hockley valley road hockley road SPRINGTIME SPRING spruce fir fir trees fir tree pine trees forest tree trees woods hike trail hiking forests wood natural KARENICK23 Karenick Karen and Nick MUNROE Karen and Nick MUNROE KAREN MUNROE Karen Nick and Karen Nick and Karen MUNROE NICK nick munroe munroe Nick MUNROE DESIGNS photography MUNROE photoghrpahy MUNROE designs photography NATURE landscape Brampton Brampton Ontario ONTARIO Ontario Canada OUTDOORS canada D750 Nikon D750 NIKON NIKON 14-24 F2.8 14-24 14-24 F2.8 Nikon 14-24 nikon f2.8 f2.8 wide angle wide angle lens colour colours color colors
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Winter River... (EXPLORED)
In the last days of December we did a short hike in the Park. it was slightly cold the wind was gusting at times, only a few brave or crazy folks were out and about; us included.
The contrast of white snow and black water was framed perfectly in the partially frozen river reflecting the surrounding trees like a black mirror.
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Tags: in explore explore explored reflection REFLECTIONS Reflective reflectingtrees Reflecting WATER WINTER WOODS WINTRY WINTER WONDERLAND waterscape RIVER rivers Snow snow fall snow storm snowy heart lake conservation area heart lake conservation heart lake Park heart lake conservation area conservation KARENICK23 Karenick Karen and Nick MUNROE Karen and Nick MUNROE KAREN MUNROE Karen Nick and Karen Nick and Karen MUNROE NICK nick munroe munroe Nick MUNROE DESIGNS photography MUNROE photoghrpahy MUNROE designs photography NATURE landscape Brampton Brampton Ontario ONTARIO Ontario Canada OUTDOORS canada D750 Nikon D750 NIKON NIKON 24-70 F2.8 24-70 24-70 F2.8 Nikon 24-70 NIKON F2.8 F2.8 Black and white B & W Black & white B and W Monochrome mono
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Foggy Sunrise.. (EXPLORED)
On the last week of October morning we woke up to a dense fog that had descended on Brampton. It was thick and the sun was shining but barely able to get through the soupy haze.
The the park was completely fogged over the sun was playing hide and seek with us through the thick clouds of drifting fog. this shot it had just appeared beyond the school portables making for a very cool shot;.
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Tags: EXPLORE EXPLORED in EXPLORE FOG FOGGY mist misty fog patches seasons collide landscape landscapes dawn sunrise morning daybreak sunlight sunburst sun sunshine Star burst fall autumn fall splendor fall colours KARENICK23 Karenick Karen and Nick MUNROE Karen and Nick MUNROE KAREN MUNROE Karen Nick and Karen Nick and Karen MUNROE NICK nick munroe munroe Nick MUNROE DESIGNS photography MUNROE photoghrpahy MUNROE designs photography NATURE Brampton Brampton Ontario ONTARIO Ontario Canada OUTDOORS canada D750 Nikon D750 NIKON NIKON 24-70 F2.8 24-70 24-70 F2.8 Nikon 24-70 NIKON F2.8 F2.8 colour colours color colors
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