Roaming The Woods...
Around a month ago Karen and I ventured out looking for the first signs of fall and were not disappointed. Just north in caledon we found so many trees that were bursting forth in all the red yellow and gold glory we always associate with fall and autumn, in one particular field this beautiful horse was intently grazing, after several unsuccessful attempts at gaining the horses attention... i finally whistled and to my amazement she stopped grazing and sauntered over to the fenceline.
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Tags: explored Horse horses equestrian caledon the grange north caledon the forks of the credit the forks of the credit river fall autumn fall splendor fall colours KARENICK23 Karenick Karen and Nick MUNROE Karen and Nick MUNROE KAREN MUNROE Karen Nick and Karen Nick and Karen MUNROE NICK nick munroe munroe Nick MUNROE DESIGNS photography MUNROE photoghrpahy MUNROE designs photography NATURE landscape Brampton Brampton Ontario ONTARIO Ontario Canada OUTDOORS canada D750 Nikon D750 NIKON NIKON 24-70 F2.8 24-70 24-70 F2.8 Nikon 24-70 NIKON F2.8 F2.8 colour colours color colors Beautiful
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Across The Lake...
the fall has just begun. the leaves are in the beginning stages of change, the surface of the lake was glassy and reflated the trees and sky perfectly; just like a polished mirror. .
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Tags: heart lake conservation area heart lake conservation heart lake Park heart lake conservation area conservation lake shore lakefront waterscape seascapes fall autumn fall splendor fall colours KARENICK23 Karenick Karen and Nick MUNROE Karen and Nick MUNROE KAREN MUNROE Karen Nick and Karen Nick and Karen MUNROE NICK nick munroe munroe Nick MUNROE DESIGNS photography MUNROE photoghrpahy MUNROE designs photography NATURE landscape Brampton Brampton Ontario ONTARIO Ontario Canada OUTDOORS canada D750 Nikon D750 NIKON NIKON 24-70 F2.8 24-70 24-70 F2.8 Nikon 24-70 NIKON F2.8 F2.8 colour colours color colors
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Fall Approaches...
From the archives:
Fall is my favorite time of year, soon the leaves will be blowing along the sidewalks and roads of Ontario. Autumn is finally here and the leaves son the trees are starting to turn.
Time to get out the gear and get ready for some fantastic photographs.
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Tags: fall autumn fall splendor fall colours KARENICK23 Karenick Karen and Nick MUNROE Karen and Nick MUNROE KAREN MUNROE Karen Nick and Karen Nick and Karen MUNROE NICK nick munroe munroe Nick MUNROE DESIGNS photography MUNROE photoghrpahy MUNROE designs photography NATURE landscape Brampton Brampton Ontario ONTARIO Ontario Canada OUTDOORS canada D750 Nikon D750 NIKON NIKON 24-70 F2.8 24-70 24-70 F2.8 Nikon 24-70 NIKON F2.8 F2.8 colour colours color colors
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Golden Forest.....
One late October morning Karen and I made our way to the park to get some fabulous fall shots.
The south end entrance to the park was ablaze with so many brilliant fall colours. the visual was almost too much to take in all at one glance., .It really did overwhelm the senses.
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Tags: YBSNature22 rea heart lake conservation heart Park heart lake conservation area conservation forest tree trees woods hike trail hiking forests wood natural fall autumn fall splendor fall colours KARENICK23 Karenick Karen Nick MUNROE Karen Nick MUNROE KAREN MUNROE Karen Nick Karen Nick Karen MUNROE NICK nick munroe munroe Nick MUNROE DESIGNS photography MUNROE photoghrpahy MUNROE designs photography NATURE landscape Brampton Brampton Ontario ONTARIO Ontario Canada OUTDOORS canada D750 Nikon D750 NIKON NIKON 24-70 F2.8 24-70 24-70 F2.8 Nikon 24-70 NIKON F2.8 colour colours color colors
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Trees In The Fog.....
A few weeks ago before daybreak I woke up to another foggy morning that had descended on Brampton. it was too early for the sunrise and the shutter speed was just barely able to keep up without pushing the ISO into the stratosphere. Shooting hand held has its draw backs. In hindsight I should have brought a tripod. Next time for sure. Lol…l
The park was completely fogged over the streetlights were barely visible through the fog save for a pale eerie grey glow in the distance.
A few leaves which had managed to cling to the branches despite the prvious weeks blustery storms and rain. glowed redf in the misty night light
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Tags: FOG FOGGY mist misty fog patches seasons collide cloud cover night time night sky night photography fall autumn fall splendor fall colours KARENICK23 Karenick Karen and Nick MUNROE Karen and Nick MUNROE KAREN MUNROE Karen Nick and Karen Nick and Karen MUNROE NICK nick munroe munroe Nick MUNROE DESIGNS photography MUNROE photoghrpahy MUNROE designs photography NATURE landscape Brampton Brampton Ontario ONTARIO Ontario Canada OUTDOORS canada D750 Nikon D750 NIKON NIKON 24-70 F2.8 24-70 24-70 F2.8 Nikon 24-70 NIKON F2.8 F2.8 colour colours color colors
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