Tags And Graffiti..
Along the railway tracks are hundreds of tags (graffiti) this urban art and the lesser artistic vandalism is everywhere and on everything along the tracks. it is on the switch boxes and the power transformers and anything that is large enough to be a canvas for these adolescent artisans of all things rural.
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Tags: graffiti KARENICK23 Karenick Karen and Nick MUNROE Karen and Nick MUNROE KAREN MUNROE Karen Nick and Karen Nick and Karen MUNROE NICK nick munroe munroe Nick MUNROE DESIGNS photography MUNROE photoghrpahy MUNROE designs photography NATURE landscape Brampton Brampton Ontario ONTARIO Ontario Canada OUTDOORS canada D750 Nikon D750 NIKON NIKON 24-70 F2.8 24-70 24-70 F2.8 Nikon 24-70 NIKON F2.8 F2.8 colour colours color colors urban art grafitti vandelism tags tag tagging
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Hidden Graffiti..
This old concrete shed located on a side trail in the woods of the park was the perfect place to hide this great artwork.
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You can contact me @ munroephotographic@gmail.com or munroedesignsphotography@gmail.com
or on Facebook @ www.facebook.com/MunroeDesignsPhotography
Instagram www.instagram.com/munroe_photography1/
Tags: graffiti tag tagging urban art heart lake conservation area heart lake conservation heart lake Park heart lake conservation area conservation KARENICK23 Karenick Karen and Nick MUNROE Karen and Nick MUNROE KAREN MUNROE Karen Nick and Karen Nick and Karen MUNROE NICK nick munroe munroe Nick MUNROE DESIGNS photography MUNROE photoghrpahy MUNROE designs photography NATURE landscape Brampton Brampton Ontario ONTARIO Ontario Canada OUTDOORS canada D750 Nikon D750 NIKON NIKON 24-70 F2.8 24-70 24-70 F2.8 Nikon 24-70 NIKON F2.8 F2.8 colour colours color colors
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Justice... Vandalism Or Art ..
In early May while on a hike through the tunnel that leads from Donnelly park to heart lake we spotted this graffiti on one if the tunnels walls.
The colours were vibrant and fresh as they had been recently painted and the word Justice stuck out from the rest of the words.
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Tags: Justice graffiti wall tagging tag tagging vandalism wall tunnel heart lake conservation area heart lake conservation heart lake Park heart lake conservation area conservation Donnelly East Park KARENICK23 Karenick Karen and Nick MUNROE Karen and Nick MUNROE KAREN MUNROE Karen Nick and Karen Nick and Karen MUNROE NICK nick munroe munroe Nick MUNROE DESIGNS photography MUNROE photoghrpahy MUNROE designs photography NATURE landscape Brampton Brampton Ontario ONTARIO Ontario Canada OUTDOORS canada D750 Nikon D750 NIKON NIKON 24-70 F2.8 24-70 24-70 F2.8 Nikon 24-70 NIKON F2.8 F2.8 colour colours color colors
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The Humber Bridge....
On a trip to Toronto In August 2016 we took a walk along the Humber trail: where I took this photo of the Humber bay pedestrian walkway bridge. .
A man was sitting on the edge of the concrete facing the water, clearly the writing was on the wall.
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Tags: don not jump off bridge humber humber bay bridge Humber River Humber bay pedestrian bridge BRIDGE architecture lake shore LAKESHORE BLVD lakefront KARENICK23 Karenick Karen and Nick MUNROE Karen and Nick MUNROE KAREN MUNROE Karen Nick and Karen Nick and Karen MUNROE NICK nick munroe munroe Nick MUNROE DESIGNS photography MUNROE photoghrpahy MUNROE designs photography NATURE landscape Brampton Brampton Ontario ONTARIO Ontario Canada OUTDOORS canada D750 Nikon D750 NIKON TORONTO City of toronto colour colours color colors Nikon 50 f1.4 nikon 50 Nikon 50 1.4 50 F1.4 F1.4 50mm nifty fifty
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Smoke Coke??...
In mid October early in the morning Karen and I made our way to the park to get some fabulous fall shots.
In the very back of the park is this old concrete shed which is located on a mostly unused side trail. It was the perfect place to hide this great artwork.
The graffiti has stayed pretty much the same over the years with a few scribbles added here and there. The latest addition is the "Smoke Coke Bottle" in the lower right corner. I actually laughed when i saw it. these guys are getting more and more creative, it reminded me of the Mad Magazine comics about popular commercial products in the 70's
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Tags: smoke coke smoke coke bottle conservation area conservation fall autumn fall splendor fall colours KARENICK23 Karenick Karen and Nick MUNROE Karen and Nick MUNROE KAREN MUNROE Karen Nick and Karen Nick and Karen MUNROE NICK nick munroe munroe Nick MUNROE DESIGNS photography MUNROE photoghrpahy MUNROE designs photography NATURE landscape Brampton Brampton Ontario ONTARIO Ontario Canada OUTDOORS canada D750 Nikon D750 NIKON NIKON 24-70 F2.8 24-70 24-70 F2.8 Nikon 24-70 NIKON F2.8 F2.8 colour colours color colors graffiti urban art
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