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User / néné Chrome♥ / Sets / Words of .. Wisdom?..lol
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N 121 B 1.1K C 4 E Feb 29, 2024 F Feb 29, 2024
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When I was a little girl, we'd visit friends and family and I would be mesmerized by.... dishracks. Yes, yes.. how peculiar right? I would always ask my maman, why do we not have one of these lovely and charming things at our home? Her answer was that to keep a neat and tidy home, to not become lazy, you do not leave the dishes to dry on their own. I swore when I grew up, that I'd have one.... but I guess I fell into her mind's way of thinking about things, and I never did get one.

In speaking with a very good friend, about this memory and how I always thought I'd grow up and get to just give in and let the air dry the dishes.. but never having done so... a package showed up the very next day!

Where am I going with all this... life is fragile, and life is short. Let the air dry those damn dishes and do something fun, something meaningful, something magical, something new! Let the air dry the dishes, I promise you, it's liberating.

I love that dishrack so much, for all it means and also.. cause it fits fabulously in my kitchen!

Tags:   Dishrack Dishes THinking Life Moments Memories Gifts Friendship Kindness Love AirDry Thankful Not_a_Tourist

N 51 B 624 C 4 E Feb 15, 2024 F Feb 15, 2024
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It's funny, Valentine's Day for me, for my former relationship was not ever something we celebrated. He always said, if we stored all our love, to openly share on one day alone, what would we share the other 364 days a year? And.... well.. he was right.

Today it feels a bit different, today now that I do not have that relationship, I realize that I have to make a conscious choice to share love, openly and that is remembering, that yes you should love openly, every day, with those special people in your life. Family, friends, lovers. Always.

But... yes yes, there's a but...lol Well don't forget to love the most important person in the grand picture. Love .. YOU!

Buy yourself the flowers, slip off and get some chocolate. Go to the movies, spend time with friends... dance in your underwear! Look in the mirror and say... hey you.. yeah you, you are amazing, and don't forget to love you too!

N that my friends, is my PSA for today, and in case you need to hear it... I love ya too! ♥♥

Tags:   Valentine Love Love_You Share Dance Spread_Joy Laugh LIVE

N 128 B 819 C 4 E Mar 28, 2024 F Mar 28, 2024
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In life if we are lucky, those close to us at times become a human lighthouse.

When we're lost, or afraid.. when everything around us seems dark, they beckon us to a safe harbor of support, encouragement, compassion, love and understanding.

Mostly, they don't even realize that they are. But their souls, shine ever so brightly. Sometimes it's that light that is the only thing that keeps us from giving in and letting go, of falling into the turbulent darkness that can be all consuming.

Be that shinning beacon of hope.♥

Visit this location at ELVION - Blackbird Edition in Second Life

Tags:   Be_Kind Hope Lighthouse LIfe Darkness Empathy Reach_Out Boat Light Beacon Believe Faith
