In Laguna Lagunillas in the southern Peruvian altiplano.
Tags: Laguna Lagunillas Arequipa highlands Peru Landscape Birds Chilean Flamingo Lake
Foraging alone near the banks of the Laguna Lagunillas in the southern Peruvian altiplano.
Tags: Laguna Lagunillas Arequipa highlands Peru Birds Lake Bairds Sandpiper
Chilean flamingos relaxing in the Laguna Lagunillas, Peru
Tags: Laguna Lagunillas Arequipa highlands Peru Birds Featured Chilean Flamingo Lake Desktop
Chilean flamingos relaxing in the Laguna Lagunillas, Peru
Tags: Laguna Lagunillas Arequipa highlands Peru Birds Featured Chilean Flamingo Lake Desktop
Chilean flamingos relaxing on a sand bar in the Laguna Lagunillas, Peru
Tags: Laguna Lagunillas Arequipa highlands Peru Landscape Birds Featured Chilean Flamingo Lake Desktop