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User / Nature by Travis Bonovsky / Sets / Fledglings and Chicks
75 items

N 10 B 127 C 3 E Apr 20, 2024 F Apr 22, 2024
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This is the first gosling I've seen this year and oddly, there was just the one. Canada Geese typically lay 2 - 8 eggs, which makes me wonder if a predator got some of the eggs. Or maybe the others just didn't hatch for some reason? Olmstead County, MN 04/20/24

N 13 B 191 C 4 E Jun 24, 2023 F Jun 24, 2023
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It was a nice surprise running into a pair of Trumpeter Swans today with 5 cygnets. They weren't even that far away, and as I took photos I commented to my wife that I likely have never been this close to young ones before. This was one of the only times I got all 5 in the same shot. Anoka County, MN 06/24/23

N 6 B 162 C 5 E Jun 17, 2023 F Jun 20, 2023
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My first thought upon seeing this many ducklings following one hen Wood Ducks is that she somehow picked up some strays from another family. Apparently Wood Ducks can have up to 16 eggs, so maybe it's not impossible that these 13 are all her own. Ramsey County, MN 06/17/23

N 14 B 175 C 0 E Jun 6, 2023 F Jun 7, 2023
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A Killdeer chick from yesterday evening after work. These chicks hatched near multiple, large parking lots surrounding an industrial complex. Sadly, I found another that had been run over by a vehicle. I intended to make a sign at work today asking people to slow down and watch for them, but couldn't find the time at work. Anoka County, MN 06/06/23

N 9 B 150 C 2 E Jun 4, 2023 F Jun 5, 2023
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I had nearly forgotten to check for Killdeer chicks at my usual spot, until I started seeing them pop up in my instagram feed. I only had about 15 minutes to look but I found a few very quickly. I couldn't get on the correct side of the sun, so here is a very backlit fluffball. Anoka County, MN 06/04/23
